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词汇 territory
例句 The males establish their territory before mating.在交配之前,雄性动物要确立自己的领地。Despite renewed pressure to give up the occupied territory, they will not yield.尽管有新的压力要求放弃被占领的土地,他们就是不愿屈服。Dealing with our cars and the mechanic is her territory. 有关我们的车辆和技工都归她管。The agreement gives the territory limited self-rule.这个协议规定该地区享有有限的自治权。Everyone has his own territory.各人有各人从事的领域。All this is familiar territory to readers.这都是读者熟悉的领域。A tiger has a large territory to defend.老虎要保卫的地盘很广。The discussion moved into uncharted territory/waters. 讨论转向了新的未知领域。Each group had staked its claim to its own territory.每个集团都对自己的领土提出了权利要求。The company is moving into unfamiliar territory with this new software.该公司正通过这种新软件进入一个不熟悉的领域。The territory had been annexed to Poland.这块领地已并入波兰。You can't expect not to have a debate; that's what comes with the territory in a democracy.不要指望不会发生辩论,这在民主社会已成为必然。You may have free passage across our territory whenever you require it.无论何时,只要你提出要求,都可以自由通过我们的领土。The first aim of his government would be to establish control over the republic's territory.他这届政府的首要目标是确立对共和国领土的控制权。Miller had accidentally crossed into Iraqi territory and was arrested for spying.米勒误闯伊拉克领土,被指从事间谍活动而遭到逮捕。Let's meet on neutral territory.我们在中立国的领土上会面吧。We ask why peace should have an apparent chance in the one territory and not the other.我们会问为什么一方领土上和平在望而另一方却看不到光明。We pushed deep into enemy territory.我们向敌占区纵深挺进。The army struck deep into northern territory.军队深入北部地区实施打击。The soldiers strayed into hostile territory.士兵们误入敌方领土。The territory had been administered by South Africa.该领土已被南非控制。Many books have covered this territory before.以前许多书籍涉及过这一领域。After they left Kathmandu they would be travelling through unknown territory.他们离开加德满都后要穿越不为人知的地域。He was shot down in a dogfight over enemy territory.他在敌军领空进行激战时被击落。Social work is familiar territory to her.社会工作是她熟悉的领域。The army used radio broadcasts into enemy territory as a form of psychological warfare.军队通过向敌方境内发射无线电广播进行一种心理战。Bucks will defend their territory during the rut.雄鹿在发情期会捍卫它们的领地。The army's push into enemy territory was successful.这支军队对敌境的推进是成功的。Some animals mark their territory to warn off rivals.有些动物标出自己的地盘,警告竞争者不要靠近。The negotiations will be held on neutral territory.谈判将在中立国的领土上举行。They started deep in their own territory and went all the way down the field to score a touchdown.他们从自己的防守区开始一路进攻,最终达阵得分。This is virgin territory for us. We've never faced a problem like this before.对我们来说这是个新问题,在这之前我们从未遇到过。The United States would never surrender this territory.美国永远不会将这片领土拱手相让。They won the battle and resumed lost territory.他们打胜了这一仗并收复了失地。A lion will fearlessly defend its territory and family.狮子会勇敢地保卫自己的地盘和家庭。These two rooms are my territory, so stay out.这两个房间是我专用的,别进来。The planes fly low across enemy territory.飞机在敌区飞得很低。Guerillas made military incursions into their territory.游击队向他们的领地发动突然袭击。Iraqi troops crossed into Kuwaiti territory.伊拉克军队越过边界进入科威特境内。A number of competitors are moving in on our sales territory.许多竞争对手正要介入我们的销售领域。




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