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词汇 red
例句 He is embarrassed by the red carpet treatment.走红地毯的礼遇让他感到很局促。This bush is red-leaved in autumn.这种灌木到了秋天叶子会变红。The Duke's study was very masculine, with deep red wall-covering and dark oak shelving.公爵的书房颇具阳刚气,深红色墙纸,深色的橡木搁板。Zinfandel is California's most widely planted red grape.仙粉黛是加州种植最广泛的红葡萄。His face was red with embarrassment.他尴尬得脸红了。I wouldn't give him one red cent for that car.他那辆车白送我都不要。The commander issued a red alert.指挥官发出了紧急警报。A girl in a red smock tripped down the hill.一个身穿红色罩衫的女孩迈着轻快的步子下山。To make the drink, you will need one measure of red wine to two measures of lemonade.这种饮料要用红葡萄酒和柠檬汁按一比二的配比来调制。What do you get if you mix red and yellow?红色和黄色混起来会是什么颜色?It's a red bus.这是辆红色的巴士。Buildings are designated by red squares on the map.在地图上建筑物是用红色方块来标明的。In China red is used for joyous and festive occasions.在中国,红色用于欢乐喜庆的场合。A red alert was sounded on the island as the storm approached.风暴来袭,岛上拉响了紧急警报。I like the way the artist uses red in this painting.我喜欢画家在这幅作品中使用红色的手法。It was strange that she had had this baby with red hair when both she and her husband were very dark.真奇怪,她的婴孩长着红头发,可她和丈夫的头发都是乌黑的。She circled her birthday in red on the calendar.她用红笔在日历上把自己的生日圈了起来。The power of red wine to counteract high cholesterol has been ballyhooed in the press.红酒降低胆固醇的功效被媒体夸大了。The mountain ash has red fruits.花楸结红色果实。Notice the flatness and the rich, red earth.注意看这平坦的地势和肥沃的红土。The dark red walls complement the red leather chairs.这深红色的墙和红皮椅很相配。The baby was sitting in his high chair, red in the face and bawling.那个婴孩坐在高脚椅上,满脸通红,嚎啕大哭。You can show your support for our cause by wearing one of these red ribbons.你可以通过佩戴红丝带来表示支持我们的事业。Her red Lamborghini Diablo sports car always attracts covetous stares.她的红色兰博基尼迪亚博罗跑车总是引来人们垂涎的目光。She was running to catch a red-eye to New York.她急着去赶飞往纽约的红眼航班。She removed the bandage to reveal a red swollen wound oozing pus.她解下绷带,露出红肿渗脓的伤口。Steve was wearing a red silk shirt that didn't suit him at all.史蒂夫穿了一件红色的真丝衬衫,一点也不适合他。She made a dramatic entrance wearing a bright red dress.她穿着鲜红的连衣裙入场,很引人注目。The women all wore a red dot right in the centre of their foreheads.那些妇女的额头正中都画着一粒红点。The colour purple is a combination of red and blue.紫色是红蓝两色混合而产生的一种颜色。The leaves change color from green to red in the fall.秋天树叶由绿变红。He's wearing a shirt with red zigzags on it.他穿着一件印有红色之字线条的衬衫。Poinsettias are popular for their attractive red bracts.一品红因其迷人的红色苞片广受喜爱。He was sort of expecting the red carpet and not the fisheye.他多少以为自己会受到隆重欢迎,而不是挨白眼。State railway officials said the crossing signal was flashing red when the bus started moving across the tracks.国家铁路官员称,公交车开始横穿铁路时,道口交叉信号灯正闪着红色。He pulled his stuffed animals around in a little red wagon.他用一辆红色玩具车拉着他那些毛绒动物玩具四处转悠。The red deer has no natural predators.赤鹿没有自然天敌。She was a vision in red velvet.她是个穿着红色天鹅绒衣服的美人。The red book is on top and the black one underneath.红皮的书在上,黑皮的书在下。A red lamp is used as a danger signal.红灯用作危险信号。




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