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词汇 rebound
例句 There has been a recent rebound in stock prices.近期股票价格有所回升。He seized the rebound and sank the basket.他抢得篮板球,投篮命中。He married her on the rebound from an unhappy love affair.他刚结束一段不幸的恋爱,心灰意冷之余便与她结婚了。Bad deeds, as well as good, may rebound upon the doer.善有善报,恶有恶报。The goalkeeper parried his first shot but he scored from the rebound.守门员挡开了第一次射门,但是他补射得分。He took heroin for the first time when he was on the rebound from a broken relationship.他第一次吸食海洛因是在一次失恋之后的失意期。O'Neal got the rebound and quickly fed the ball to Bryant.奥尼尔抢到篮板球并迅速将球传给了布赖恩特。I caught the ball on the rebound.我接住了弹回的球。She refused to date him while he was still on the rebound.当他还在失恋疗伤时,她拒绝与他约会。The recent rebound in mortgage rates could snuff out the housing recovery.抵押贷款利率最近的回升可能会扼杀房地产的复苏。Her future husband caught her on the rebound just after her first boyfriend had left her.她的未婚夫在她第一个男朋友跟她断绝往来之后乘虚而入。He grabbed the rebound and put the ball back up through the hoop. 他抢到篮板球后投球入篮。Their evil examples would rebound on themselves.他们作出了坏榜样,将自食其果。The fielder caught the ball on the rebound off the wall. 外场手接住了从墙壁弹回的球。He caught/grabbed the rebound.他接住了回弹球。Investors are hoping the rebound in stock prices continues.投资者希望股价反弹能够继续下去。The market seems to be on the rebound.市场好像在反弹。This may signal that the economy is poised to rebound.这可能预示着经济即将反弹。His health is on the rebound.他的健康状况逐渐好转。She quarreled with Paul and then married Peter on the rebound.她跟保罗吵翻了,一气之下就嫁给了彼得。The power forwards of both teams ended up in a scrum for the rebound.两队的大前锋为了争夺篮板球而扭打。That first goal was a fluke and the second a rebound.第一个进球实属侥幸,第二个进球是反弹入网。




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