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词汇 浑身解数
例句 I had to use all my powers of persuasion to get her to agree.我不得不使出浑身解数劝她同意。He stormed off in a fury, and it took all Minnelli's powers of diplomacy to get him to return.他愤然离去,米内利使出了浑身解数才把他劝了回来。He needed all his resources to escape alive.要活着逃出来,他需要使出浑身解数She tried everything in an attempt to evoke sympathy and pity from her parents.她施展浑身解数试图激起父母的同情和怜悯。He really poured on the charm to get her to have dinner with him.为邀请她共进晚餐,他确实使出了浑身解数People are bending over backwards to please customers.人们正使出浑身解数取悦顾客。She used her full arsenal of charm.她施展出媚人的浑身解数I've leaned over backward to please you—and you haven't even said thank you!我为了让你高兴使出浑身解数,可你连声谢谢都没说!They'll use every trick in the book to get you to buy their products.他们会使出浑身解数让你购买他们的产品。Already, both sides are jockeying to belittle the other side.双方已经在使出浑身解数贬低对方了。We exhausted all/the possibilities. 我们使出了浑身解数




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