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词汇 浑身湿透
例句 We were soaked to the skin by the heavy rain.大雨淋得我们浑身湿透We were completely drenched and cold.我们浑身湿透了,冻得冰冷。I had lost my ticket, was soaked to the skin, and, to crown it all, discovered that my purse had been stolen.我把票弄丢了,又被淋得浑身湿透,最糟糕的是,我发现我的钱包被偷了。In the early morning they had got drenched in the grass.一大清早他们在草丛里弄得浑身湿透After the storm she looked like a drowned rat.暴雨过后,她浑身湿透,像只落汤鸡。They all got a ducking in the heavy rain.他们在大雨中都淋得浑身湿透He was wringing wet after working in the fields in the hot sun.烈日下在田里干活后,他浑身湿透了。Before we reached Buckkeep, I was soaked through.我们还没能抵达公鹿堡,我就浑身湿透了。He was a sorry sight when he got home - soaking and covered in mud.他到家的时候,一副惨兮兮的样子——浑身湿透了,而且都是泥。I was caught in a shower of rain and soaked to the skin.我正赶上一场阵雨,浑身湿透了。The postman emerged from his van soaked to the skin.邮递员从他的厢式货车中出来,浑身湿透了。The crowds had been soaked and were now nicely drying out.这群人都浑身湿透,现在谢天谢地快晾干了。I was perished. No jacket, no torch, wet through, exhausted.我快冻僵了。没有外衣,没有火把,浑身湿透了,筋疲力尽。He was plucked from the water sopping wet.他从水中被拉上来时浑身湿透The children walked along the path, looking miserable and bedraggled after the storm.孩子们走在小道上,暴风雨淋得他们浑身湿透,看上去狼狈极了。The two and a half hour walk in the wind and rain left us drenched.我们在风雨中走了两个半小时,浑身湿透了。They came back sopping wet.他们回来的时候浑身湿透了。It was raining and I was drenched when I got home.天下著雨,我回到家时浑身湿透了。




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