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词汇 bases
例句 Several military bases are scheduled to be decommissioned.多个军事基地将按计划停用。The guerrillas were said to be operating from bases inside the country.据说,游击队从国内的基地开展活动。Both candidates are doing whatever they can to raise money from their power bases.两位候选人正采取一切手段从他们的政治后盾处筹资。The government has announced the phased closure of a number of military bases.政府宣布分阶段逐步关闭若干军事基地。Our aircraft all returned safely to their bases.我们所有的飞机都安全返回了基地。The treaty provides that, by the end of the century, the United States must have removed its bases.条约规定,到本世纪末,美国必须撤除其基地。Preliminary talks on the future of the bases began yesterday.昨天开始了关于基地未来的初步讨论。The aircraft carried out a pre-emptive strike against bases in the north.飞机对北方基地实施了先发制人的袭击。The air bases were subjected to intense air attack.空军基地遭到了猛烈的空袭。Military bases were protected by captured enemy soldiers who were housed there as a human shield.军事基地受到由关在那里的敌军俘虏兵组成的人盾的保护。He has called for the removal of all foreign troops and bases in Europe.他呼吁撤走所有驻欧洲的外国军队和基地。He drew a walk to load the bases.他被保送上一垒,形成了满垒。After WWII he made a pact with the USA for military bases in Spain.二战后,他与美国签署协定在西班牙境内设立美军基地。He bases his conclusions on very limited research.他的结论建立在十分有限的研究基础上。The administration may launch a pre-emptive attack against terrorist bases.政府也许会对恐怖分子的基地发动先发制人的攻击。This election has been marked so far by the candidates' wooing of each other's traditional political bases.到目前为止,这次选举的特色是候选人争取获得彼此传统政治大本营的支持。Troops will be helicoptered in to seize Iraqi bases.军队将乘直升机进入伊拉克以攻占其军事基地。The government has embarked on an all-out offensive to destroy rebel bases.政府已发动全面进攻以摧毁叛军基地。His opening remarks at the meeting touched all the bases.他在大会的开幕词里提及了所有要点。The boss covers all the bases when he sets up a job.老板安排工作时方方面面都会考虑到。He bases his designs on Roman mosaics.他根据罗马的镶嵌工艺进行设计。The coast guard bases rescue units along the ocean shores.海岸警备队把营救小队分驻在沿海一带。Most units will redeploy to their home bases.大部分部队将重新部署,调防到他们的大本营。The guerrillas were said to be operating from bases inside the war zone.据说游击队员是从战区内部的基地出发进行活动的。Mexico's Defense Ministry this month signed a pact that allows Mexican troops to train at American bases.墨西哥国防部本月签署条约,使墨西哥军队可在美军基地上接受训练。Demonstrators demanded the removal of foreign bases.示威者要求撤除外国军事基地。She made sure that she touched all the bases in her report.她确保自己在报告中把问题的各个方面都谈到了。The president toured US military bases yesterday.总统昨天巡视了美国军事基地。They reviewed the contract to make sure that it covered all the bases.他们把合同又看了一遍,确保没有任何遗漏。He has managed to touch all the bases necessary, and trade goes on.他想方设法把所有必要的事情都处理妥当,生意也维持了下来。The department bases its selection process on a series of intelligence tests.该部门以一系列的智力测验作为选拔程序的依据。I think I’ve covered all the bases – I called everyone, ordered the food , and bought some decorations .我想我已经面面俱到,尽我所能了¬¬——我给每个人打了电话,定了餐,还买了一些装饰品。They loaded the bases with two out in the bottom of the eighth inning.他们队在第八局末以二人出局满垒。It bases its figures on what it might, hypothetically, be earning on past investment.这些假定的可能收益数字是依据过去的投资得出的。Many Filipinos see the bases as an extension of American colonial rule.很多菲律宾人视这些基地为美国殖民统治的延续。We think the agreement covers all the bases for a lasting peace.我们认为该协议已经足以保证永久和平。The book is sometimes confusing because the writer tries too hard to cover all the bases.这本书有时令人困惑,因为作者过于追求面面俱到。Three of the army bases have been ticketed for closure.有三个军事基地已被指定关闭。The boss covers all bases when he sets up a job.老板设立一个工作岗位时,需要方方面面都考虑到。Army bases were shelled overnight by rebel forces.军队基地昨夜遭叛军炮轰。




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