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词汇 Danish
例句 We bought a Danish phrase book.我买了一本丹麦常用语手册。He was the son of a Danish father and a Venezuelan mother.他父亲是丹麦人,母亲是委内瑞拉人。It was an ordinary church tower, a familiar sight above the red tile roofs of every Danish village.那是一个普通的教堂塔楼,是丹麦每个村庄的红瓦屋顶上方的一个常见景象。He concluded a deal with the Danish minister in Washington.他与丹麦驻华盛顿的外交使节达成了一项协议。The company is the UK agent for a top Danish furniture maker.这家公司是丹麦一家顶级家具制造商的英国代理商。She knows a few Danish phrases.她懂几个丹麦词语。The Danish president will put environmental issues high on the agenda.丹麦总统将试图把环境问题摆到重要位置上。Danish and Swedish are allied languages.丹麦语与瑞典语是同一语系的语言。A plane with Danish markings flew overhead.一架带有丹麦标志的飞机从上空飞过。We had cheese Danish for breakfast.我们早餐吃了芝士丹麦酥皮饼。A plane with Danish markings was overflying his vessel.一架带有丹麦标记的飞机从他的船上空飞过。The gallery is seeking to enlarge its holdings of Danish art.这家美术馆正想办法增加丹麦艺术作品的馆藏量。The satirical cartoons were first published in a Danish newspaper last year.这些讽刺漫画首先刊登在去年的一份丹麦报纸上。A new Danish expedition is again excavating the site in annual summer digs.一支新的丹麦探险队又在那个遗址上进行一年一度的夏季挖掘。We speak Danish at home so that the boys don't lose touch with their language and culture.我们在家说丹麦语,这样男孩子们就不会脱离他们的语言和文化。




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