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词汇 read
例句 You should always read the instructions on medicines thoroughly.药品上的说明你都应该全部阅读一遍。I'm glad you read the riot act to Billy. He's still a kid and still needs to be told what to do.我很高兴你警告比利不许胡闹。他还是个孩子,仍然需要有人告诉他该做什么。He tries to put some time aside every evening to read to the kids.他设法每天晚上腾出些时间读书给孩子们听。She tried to read the message, but couldn't.她想看懂那个信息,但却不行。A spokesperson for the company read to waiting reporters from a prepared statement.公司的一位发言人向等候的记者们宣读一份事先准备好的声明。It's important to read through your essay before you finally hand it in.把文章交上去之前,仔细通读一遍是很重要的。Has the man been to read the gas meter?这个人读过煤气表上的数字了吗?He read the note and then ripped it up.他看完字条,然后把它撕了。The president read a prepared statement.总裁读了一份事先写好的声明。He read the sky and predicted rain.他观察天空后预告有雨。He never read these books, for he had long lost the habit of reading.他从不读这些书,因为他早就丢掉了阅读习惯。He read the instructions through twice before he tried to assemble the bicycle.他把说明书通读了两遍之后才试着组装自行车。The compression and density make this a difficult book to read, but it richly rewards the effort.这本书内容丰富,思想深刻,很难读懂,但是非常值得一读。He got out his map of Yorkshire and hunched over it to read the small print.他拿出约克郡地图,弓身趴在上面努力看清那些细小的字体。I was brought up among people who read and wrote a lot.我周围是些经常读书写文章的人,我是在他们的熏陶下长大的。One does not need to be a highbrow to read this book.并不一定是博学的人才能读这本书。Students need to read a lot of good fiction in order to form their own opinions about quality.学生需要阅读大量优秀的小说,以形成自己的评判标准。I haven't read much into it as yet. I've only just scanned through it.我还没有细细研读,只是粗略地翻看了一下。I'm learning to read and write.我在学习读书写字。True poetry accumulates meaning every time it is read.真正的好诗每读一遍都会有新的涵义。He skimmed the pages quickly, then read them again more carefully.他先快速地浏览页面,然后再细细阅读。It's one thing to read a language, it's quite different when you have to talk it.能读懂一种语言是一回事,而要讲这种语言又是完全不同的另一码事了。It's amazing how/that many adults in this country don't know how to read.让人震惊的是这个国家竟然还有许多成年人不识字。We struggled to read the map by the light of the torch.我们借着手电筒光费力地看地图。I laughed out loud when I read the book.我读那本书时放声大笑。I read books on different subjects.我读的书各种题材都有。She stifled a yawn as the boss read out the sales figures.她忍住呵欠,听老板宣读销售额。He read the salient facts quickly.他快速浏览了重要的事实。She is widely read in American literature.她精通美国文学。Symphony musicians cannot necessarily sight-read.交响乐演奏家不一定能够视谱演奏。I just need an entertaining read for the beach - nothing too taxing.我去海滩度假时喜欢看一些休闲读物——不要太费神的。I hope you can read my scribble!我希望你能看懂我的潦草字迹!As the judge's sentence was read out, West showed no vestige of emotion.法官宣读裁决时韦斯特没有表现出丝毫的感情。I'll read the story and you turn the pages. OK, honey?我讲故事,你来翻页。好不好,宝贝?I don't know if you ever read any of his books.我不知道你是否读过他写的书。Short lines, ticks, oblique strokes, or crosses will not be read by the machine.短线、勾、斜线或叉不会被机器识别。This is far and away the best book I have read this year.这无疑是我今年所读到的最好的书。I'm sorry but my diary is personal. I don't let anyone else read it.对不起,日记是私人物品,我不允许别人阅读。Like a mind reader, he could read their thoughts.像一个能读懂他人心思的人一样,他能理解他们的思想。I'll give you my opinion when I've had time to read the book through.我一有时间把这本书从头至尾看完之后,就把我的意见告诉你。




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