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Raymond's huge laugh resounded everywhere we went.我们走到哪里都听到了雷蒙德洪亮的笑声。Raymond did not have Aids. More precisely, he was not HIV-positive.雷蒙德没有患艾滋病。更准确地说,他的艾滋病病毒检测不呈阳性。Raymond fell into an unquiet slumber, and dreamed again of his son.雷蒙德进入了不安宁的睡眠,又梦见了他的儿子。Raymond's head poked through the doorway.雷蒙德的头从门口探了出来。He was the complete opposite of Raymond.他与雷蒙德完全相反。His name is Raymond Ford.他的名字叫雷蒙德·福特。Raymond Blanc, star of nouvelle cuisine, tells Paul Bailey about the philosophy behind his cooking.新式烹饪大师雷蒙德‧布兰克给保罗‧贝利讲述自己的烹饪哲学。TV chef Raymond Blanc lets us in on the secrets of his kitchen.荧屏大厨雷蒙德·布朗向我们透露了他厨房的秘密。His parents wanted Raymond to have the best possible education.父母想让雷蒙德接受最好的教育。Who wrote the screenplay from Patricia Highsmith's book? Raymond Chandler, no less.帕特里夏·海史密斯那本书是谁改编成剧本的?雷蒙德·钱德勒呀,厉害。 |