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词汇 rations
例句 The refugees waited for their meagre / meager rations of soup.难民们等待着少得可怜的配给汤。The campers were getting low on rations. 露营人员的食品储备告急。The Russian soldiers sampled the officers' rations and wolfed the superior food with delight.俄军士兵尝了一下长官的配给食物,然后高高兴兴地把那些高级食物一扫而光。The guards are going to cut our rations again.看守又要克扣我们的配给了。We will be back on full rations tomorrow.明日起我们将重新实行全面的配给制。The soldiers were given their rations for the day.士兵们分得了他们当天的口粮。We've been put on short rations.我们的配给口粮一直不足。A fight broke out behind me as we lined up to receive our food rations.我们排队领取配给的食物时,在我后面有人打起架来。The prisoners were kept on short rations. 囚犯们的口粮严重不足。Try not to finish your food rations too quickly. We don't know when there will be more.尽量别把配给的食品太快吃完。我们不知道什么时候会再有。Aid officials said that the first emergency food rations of wheat and oil were handed out here last month.救助官员说第一批紧急援助的小麦和食用油是上月发放到这里的。The general had to scant his men's rations.将军不得不减少士兵的口粮。The organization will provide refugees with emergency rations.这个组织将为难民提供紧急口粮。They are living on starvation rations.他们靠饥馑配给过活。The prose-writer rations himself over figures of speech.这位散文家不滥用修辞手段。The refugees are shortchanged on their rations of food.难民们应得的口粮被克扣。




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