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词汇 rare
例句 This combination of qualities is generally supposed to be extremely rare.这些特性集于一身,一般来说是极其罕见的。He will attempt to photograph the rare bird.他将尽力把那种罕见的鸟拍摄下来。The actress has a personal magnetism that is rare in someone so young.这名女演员有种在她这么年轻的演员身上罕见的个人魅力。On those rare occasions when she had leisure she pottered in her new garden.难得有空的时候,她就在自己的新花园里摆弄花草。The inventory lists many rare items.清单上列有很多稀有物品。Some rare cancellations are very valuable.有些罕见的邮局盖销戳记是非常珍贵的。You occasionally see eel in the fish market, but it's quite rare these days.鱼市上偶尔能见到黄鳝,但现在比较少见。The movie was one of the rare failures in his career.这部电影是他职业生涯中少有的败笔之一。Waiter, I specifically asked for this steak rare.服务员,我特别强调了这块牛排要做得嫩些。On the rare occasions when he spoke, his voice sounded very nervous.他难得开口,而只要一开口嗓音总是战战兢兢的。Except in a few rare cases, bee stings are not dangerous.除极少数情况外蜂蜇一般是没有危险的。Dissenting voices at the newspaper are very rare.报纸上鲜有登载不同的意见。Storms of this order are fortunately quite rare.幸好这类风暴很罕见。Such a move is rare, but not unprecedented.这样的举动是罕见的,但并非没有先例。The stamp's value depends on how rare it is.邮票的价值取决于其稀少的程度。Of course, these occasions are rare indeed.当然,这样的场合实在稀少。Gold is a rare metal.金子是贵重金属。Catherine was indeed a phoenix; beautiful, exotic and rare.凯瑟琳真是绝色佳人:漂亮,带点异域美,世间罕有。Albert was in a rare old temper.艾伯特心情极度烦躁。On the rare occasions when we had to work hard, we enjoyed it.我们需要苦干的时候不多,但我们倒是很乐意的。They have replanted many areas with rare and unusual plants.他们在许多地方重新种上了珍稀植物。The museum's proudest boast is its collection of rare gems.这个博物馆最引以为豪的是藏有一些稀世宝石。Wild flowers such as primroses are becoming rare.报春花之类的野花越来越少了。All four countries have adopted the declaration against hunting these rare animals.四国都通过了反对捕猎这些珍稀动物的宣言。We went on a tour of the city's bars and had a rare old time.我们在城中逛了一家又一家酒吧,喝得痛快极了。His rare excursions into poetry show real talent.他的那些偶尔为之的诗作却显示出非凡的才华。It's apparently rare for anyone to have two legs the same length.显然,一个人两条腿的长度完全相同的情况是很少见的。He had that rare gift of being able to impart enthusiasm to others.他有那种难得的本领,能将热情传给别人。He developed a rare form of cancer.他患了一种罕见的癌症。We got a good supper, and grew rare and sleepy.我们美美地吃过晚饭,开始昏昏欲睡了。Snow is a rare sight here, except on the mountains.除了在山上,这里很难得看到雪。He's that rare bird, a bartender who doesn't drink alcohol.他是那种奇人,一个滴酒不沾的酒吧招待。It was one of his rare attempts at humour.那是他极不常见的想要表现幽默的一次。He was a philatelist, and those rare stamps made his mouth water.他是个集邮家,那些罕见的邮票使他垂涎三尺。 I had a rare beef steak.我吃了一块做得很嫩的牛排。For most people, foie gras is either a rare delicacy or a culinary abomination.对大多数人来说,鹅肝若不是珍馐美馔,那就是烹饪的耻辱。It's very rare to find someone who combines such qualities.具有此类综合素质的人是非常罕见的。She has reached a rare level of financial success.她挣钱很多,鲜有人及。I was eager to get my hands on these rare recordings.我渴望得到这些珍贵的录音。Bathrooms were a rare luxury at that time.那个时候浴室是稀有的奢侈设施。




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