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词汇 rallying
例句 He barnstormed across the nation, rallying the people to the cause.他在全国各地巡回演说,鼓动人们共赴大业。It was successful in rallying voters at election time.选举时召集选民队伍的举措获得成功。The club has become the rallying point for local amateurs.这个俱乐部业已成为当地业余爱好者的聚汇点。Environmental issues provided a rallying point for people disaffected with the government.环境问题把对政府不满的人们凝聚了起来。His promise to improve education has become a rallying point for his supporters.他改进教育的承诺对支持者具有号召力。We were at war and everyone was rallying around the flag.我们当时正处于战争时期,大家都团结一心,同仇敌忾。Students used the death of political activists as a rallying point for anti-government protests.学生们利用政治活动家的遇害号召大家进行反政府抗议活动。She had showed no signs of rallying since the operation.她手术后还没有康复的迹象。




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