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词汇 arrange
例句 The company will arrange for a taxi to meet you at the airport.公司会安排一辆出租车去机场接你。Give me a ring tomorrow and we'll arrange something for this weekend.明天给我打个电话,我们来给这个周末安排些活动。Slice the eggs in two and arrange them on a serving dish.把这些蛋切成两半后在餐盘上排好。He had managed to arrange to stay on in Adelaide.他已设法安排好在阿德莱德继续呆下去。Shred the lettuce and arrange it around the edge of the dish.将莴苣切成丝,摆在盘子边缘。Would you like to arrange for a personal interview?你希望安排一次个别接见吗?Please arrange a meeting with your partners.请安排我跟你的几位合伙人见个面。If you arrange your picture too systematically the results can look very mannered and artificial.如果你把图画安排得太有条理,就会看上去非常假,不够自然。If you are housebound, you can arrange for a home visit from a specialist adviser.如果你不方便出门,可以安排一次专家顾问来上门看诊。The bank can arrange travel insurance for you.银行会为你办好旅行保险。Call centre workers can arrange to work different shifts.呼叫中心的工作人员可以安排不同时间轮班。I asked my headmaster if he could arrange a collection for a refugee charity.我询问校长他是否能够安排一次救济难民的慈善捐款。I'd like to arrange a business loan.我想办理一笔商业贷款。I may be able to arrange something, but please don't get your hopes up.也许我可以安排一些事情,但是请你不要抱太大的希望。I haven't had time to arrange everything, so I'm all at sixes and sevens.我没来得及把每件事都安排好,因此心里七上八下的。We need to arrange a date for the next meeting.我们要为下一次会议安排日期。These firms arrange it so their bills arrive on Friday the thirteenth to make a point.这些公司用心良苦,特意安排账单在黑色星期五寄到。If you need more money, we can arrange a loan.如果你需要更多的钱,我们可以安排贷款。She will try to arrange a mutually convenient time and place for an interview.她会尽力安排一个双方都方便的时间和地点进行面试。It was ingenious of him to arrange the schedule so precisely.他把时间表安排得如此精确,真有才智。If you will just sign here, we will arrange for your bank to deduct your payments automatically.麻烦您在这里签一下字,我们将联系您的银行自动扣除您的付款。He was forever attempting to arrange deals.他老是想撮合交易。Working from home, she could arrange her hours round her children.在家工作,她就可以围绕孩子安排时间了。If you are an independent traveller, we can arrange a tailor-made tour.如果你一个人旅游,我们可以专门安排旅游线路。I texted her to arrange a time to meet.我给她发了短信,和她约好见面时间。I'll telephone my lawyer to arrange an appointment.我会给律师打电话安排会面事宜的。He started to arrange the books in piles.他开始将书成堆摆放。She was happy to arrange her schedule to suit their preferences.她很高兴安排自己的日程以适应他们的喜好。We'll show you how to arrange the furniture in your office to make maximum use of the space available.我们会给你看怎样摆放你办公室内的家具以最大限度地利用现有的空间。Contact your local branch to arrange an appointment.请联络当地分部安排预约。I am trying to arrange my father's financial affairs.我正尽力安排父亲财务上的事宜。I will arrange everything.我会安排一切的。We must arrange the negotiations so we have an out if we need it.我们必须安排好谈判,这样一旦需要我们就能有个借口。We still have to arrange how to get home.我们还必须安排好怎样回家。I must get in touch with the bank and arrange an overdraft.我必须和银行联系安排透支的事。It didn't take me long to arrange my belongings; for I had brought little.因为行装带得不多,我没花多少时间就把东西放置舒齐了。These matters are easy to arrange.这些事情好安排。I asked him to arrange a formal briefing.我请他安排一个正式的发布会。Then you can arrange it how you like.那么随便你怎么安排吧。It shouldn't be beyond the wit of man to arrange for them both to be there at the same time.安排他们两人同时到达那里不应该是不可能的事。




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