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词汇 arranged
例句 They arranged the furniture in a grouping around the fireplace.他们将壁炉周围的家具按类归置。They were arranged into relay teams and given a stick.他们被分成了接力赛小组,并得到了一根接力棒。I didn't want to go into details on the phone, so we arranged a meeting in my office for the next day.我不想在电话里说得很详细,因此我们约好第二天在我的办公室里碰面。We arranged for the removal of the old car.我们安排将这辆旧车挪走。She arranged for the transportation of her furniture to her new apartment.她安排把家具运到新公寓。In an arranged marriage the husband often insists that the wife brings a dowry.在包办婚姻中,丈夫经常要求妻子带嫁妆。Robbie had arranged for this man to come whenever needed.罗比作了安排让这个人需要时就来。I've arranged to see him on Friday morning.我已安排好星期五上午见他。The doctor arranged for Marcel to see a top specialist in Paris.医生安排马塞尔去看巴黎最好的一位专科医生。In the past most royal marriages were marriages of convenience, arranged for political reasons.过去大部分的王室婚姻都是权宜婚姻,是政治上的安排。When arranged in the correct order, the letters will spell a word which you fill in on this grid.这些字母如果按正确顺序排列可以拼成一个单词,把这个单词填入这个方格里。The house itself is three stories high and arranged around a courtyard.房子本身有三层高,绕着一个庭院而建。He had arranged for the boxes to be stored until they could be collected.他已安排好这些箱子的存放事宜,直到被取走。We arranged a mutually convenient time to meet.我们安排了一个双方都方便的时间会面。They arranged to meet the following day.他们安排好第二天碰头。They arranged to wire the money from the United States.他们准备从美国把钱电汇过来。He arranged for us all to have a drink.他安排我们大家一起喝一杯。She arranged to meet the others halfway up the mountain.她安排在半山腰与其他人碰头。They arranged to go out together on Friday.他们计划周五一起出去。She arranged her pictures on her desk.她把照片都摆在书桌上。I forgot I'd arranged to meet Richard last night - it completely slipped my mind.我忘记安排了昨晚要与理查德会面——我完全给忘了。Police have arranged for the return of the stolen goods.警察已经安排好赃物的归还工作。We arranged to meet and talk things over.我们安排了会面以商谈事情。We haven't arranged a definite date for our visit yet.我们尚未安排一个确切的访问日期。Each course of studies was so arranged that students could combine their education with part-time work.每门课程的安排方式使学生能够边学习边干点兼职工作。I arranged the photos sequentially.我按顺序摆好了这些照片。Here is the list arranged chronologically.这是按时间顺序排列的清单。They had slyly arranged to have the party while we were away.我们外出时,他们偷偷地安排了搞这次聚会。The flowers are attractively arranged.这些花搭配得很漂亮。It was arranged that our visitors should stay at a nearby hotel.我们的客人被安排住在附近的一家宾馆。She arranged the stones in a circle. = She made a circle out of/with the stones.她将石头摆成一圈。The city's streets are confusingly arranged.这座城市的街道布局杂乱无章。The boxes were arranged in order of size.这些盒子按照大小顺序摆放。My visit was arranged at rather short notice.我的访问是仓促安排的。The seats are arranged in wedges.座位被排列成一组组的楔形。The loan was arranged with little formality.没有什么客套就商定了贷款。The seats were arranged to form a curve.座位被排成了一条弧线。Crash courses in Arabic were arranged.安排了一些阿拉伯语速成班。They arranged an appointment for next week.他们约定在下星期会面。They lived in neatly-arranged little houses.他们住在布置整洁的小房子里。




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