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词汇 Rain
例句 Rain turned the road that led to the cabin to mud.下雨使通往小屋的路变得非常泥泞。Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap.雨水从他的棒球帽帽檐上滴落。Rain pattered gently outside, dripping onto the roof from the pines.外面,雨轻柔地拍打着,从松树上滴落到屋顶上。Rain had begun to streak the windowpanes.雨水已经开始在窗玻璃上冲出道道条痕。Rain pearled down the window.雨珠顺著窗户往下淌。Rain blasted through the window.雨猛烈地打在窗户上。Rain trickled down the glass, puddling on the window sills.雨水顺着玻璃窗往下淌,在窗台上积起了小水坑。Rain held up play for an hour.因为下雨,比赛暂停了一个小时。Rain will spread from the west and reach all areas by evening.雨水将从西部扩展,到傍晚时会遍布所有地区。Rain came down in sudden torrential spurts.雨突然瓢泼而下。Rain is forecast for all parts of southern England tomorrow.预报说,明天英格兰南部全境有雨。Rain whipped across the window pane.雨点打在窗玻璃上。Rain washed out Friday's game.大雨使得周五的比赛取消了。Rain made the crew uneasy.雨天让船员们感到担忧。Rain will spread to the rest of the country by evening.到傍晚时分,降雨将会遍及全国其他地区。Rain blew into his face.雨随风打在他的脸上。Rain collecting at the tip of the rock has formed huge icicles.在岩石尖上聚集的雨水形成了巨大的冰柱。Rain thrummed on the roof.雨水敲打着屋顶。Rain had been falling steadily all day and the ground had become a marsh.雨整天下个不停,地面成了一片泽国。Rain whipped the pavement.雨水打在路面上。Rain on Sunday is a vexation to the children.星期天下雨是使孩子们很恼火的事。Rain collected in pools on the road.路上积了一摊摊的雨水。Rain begins to fall and peach trees blossom.开始下雨了,桃树也开花了。Rain fell continuously and turned the winding dirt road into a river of slippery mud.雨下个不停,把这条蜿蜒曲折的土路变成了一条湿滑的泥流。Rain made Paul's eyelashes stick together.雨水使保罗的睫毛贴在了一起。Rain drops rolled down the window.雨滴沿着窗户滚落下来。Rain had dampened the tent so we left it to dry in the afternoon sun.雨水打湿了帐篷,午后我们把它放到太阳底下晒。Rain stopped play during the final of the National Tennis Championship.下雨使全国网球锦标赛的决赛中断了。Rain heralds the arrival of spring.雨水预示着春天的到来。Rain splashed against the window.雨点拍打在窗户上。Rain drummed on the roof of the car.雨嘀嘀嗒嗒地敲打着车顶。Rain water flows through soil and porous rock to reach underground streams.雨水流经土壤和多孔的岩石后与地下溪流汇合。Rain soaked through her jacket.雨水湿透了她的外套。Rain chilled the glittering pageant.雨使华丽的庆典大为逊色。Rain lashed the side of the house.雨点猛打在房子的侧墙上。Rain and sun are the natural agents that help plants grow.雨水和阳光是帮助植物生长的自然力。Rain clouds were looming on the horizon.雨云正在地平线上堆积。Rain will become more general in the southeast during the afternoon.降雨范围将在下午进一步扩展到东南地区。Rain was forecast for the weekend.预报说周末有雨。Rain beat against the roof all night.雨整夜敲打着屋顶。




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