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词汇 compass
例句 The points of the compass are north, south, east, and west.罗盘上的四个方位点是北、南、东和西。Sightseers arrived from all points of the compass.观光者来自四面八方。Interest rates serve as a compass for determining whether to buy or sell stocks.利率是决定股票买卖的指向标。The needle on a compass always points to magnetic north.指南针的指针总是指向磁北极。That old compass he traded his knife for isn't worth a row of peas.他用小刀换来的那只旧指南针一钱不值。Take a compass bearing on that mountain.测一下那座山的罗经方位。The needle of the compass is traversing.罗盘的指针在转动。Within the brief compass of a single page, the author covers most of the major points.在短短一页的篇幅中,作者涵盖了大部分要点。We started our hike with compass and map in hand.我们带着指南针和地图,开始了远足。He packed drinks, a map, and a compass - all the necessaries for a day's hike in the hills.他把饮料、地图和指南针——所有在乡间徒步一天的必需品都装在包里。His religion is the compass that guides him.他的宗教信仰是指引他的向导。The captain had to rectify the compass reading.船长不得不校正罗经读数。The points of the compass are north, south, east, and west.指南针上的四个方位分别是北、南、东、西。That topic falls beyond the compass of my research.那个题目超出了我的研究范围。He sighted in on the hill with his compass.他用罗盘对准着那座小山。People arrived from all points of the compass.人们从四面八方到达。Despite the sulky rain dribbling over his night goggles, Kyle didn't even need a compass to show the way.天色阴暗,细雨模糊了夜视镜,即便如此,凯尔不用指南针也能找到路。Your compass and clock are the most essential instruments in sailing.指南针和时钟是航海时最基本的测量仪表。Soldiers were advancing on us from all points of the compass.士兵们从四面八方向我们逼近。Such things aren't within the compass of my power.这些事不在我力可能及的范围之内。The magnetism in the rock could produce distorted compass readings.岩石的磁力会使指南针的读数变得不准确。He always carries a compass when he walks in the woods.在树林中行走时,他总是带着指南针。The points of the compass are north, south, east, and west.罗盘上的方位点分别为北、南、东和西。The compass needle swung round on its pivot.罗盘指针绕轴转动。You can go anywhere and still the compass points north or south.无论走到哪里,罗盘仍然指向北或南。The needle of the compass shows that we're facing south.指南针上的磁针显示我们处在朝南的位置。We had to rely on a compass and a lot of luck to get here.我们不得不依靠指南针和不错的运气找到这儿来。Some people believe that the increase in crime shows that society is losing its moral compass.一些人认为,犯罪率的上升反映了社会道德准则的缺失。The compass needle wiggled crazily.罗盘指针剧烈地晃动着。The compass had a northeast reading.指南针指向东北。Her actions went beyond the compass of proper social behavior.她的举动越出了正当的社交行为的范围。He did everything within his power to compass his ends.他竭尽全力以求达到目的。The points of the compass are north, south, east, and west.指南针上的方向有北、南、东和西。The compass was first used in sailing.罗盘首先用在航海上。I measured the distance and compass direction between successive positions.我测量了相连位置间的距离和罗盘方向。The needle of a compass always points to the north.罗盘的指针永远向北。Within the compass of a normal sized book such a comprehensive survey was not practicable.在通常一本书的篇幅中要作如此全面的调查不太实际。North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal points of the compass.东、西、南、北是罗盘上的四个方位基点。We didn't have satnav, so the traditional map and compass took over.我们没有卫星导航系统,因此使用了传统的地图加指南针。Furnished with a compass and sandwiches, they set off for a day's hiking.他们带着罗盘和三明治开始了一天的徒步旅行。




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