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词汇 raged
例句 The manager raged at the umpire.主教练朝裁判员大发雷霆。Protesters and activists have raged against the company for years.抗议者和活跃分子多年来一直怒斥该公司。I raged inwardly against his injustice.我对他的不公正之举怒火满腔。Fierce fighting raged for several days.激烈的战斗持续了好几天。The storm raged and they struggled to stop the boat from keeling over.风暴肆虐,他们努力使船免于倾覆。The fire raged for hours.大火肆虐了几个小时。The storm raged all night.暴风雨肆虐了整整一夜。The infection raged in Greater Shanghai.传染病在上海及邻近地区迅猛蔓延。She raged about the injustice of their decision.她怒斥他们的决定不公正。Even the dogs were quiet while the heated quarrel raged around them.他们吵得不可开交的时候,连狗都安安静静的。The fire raged for twelve hours and fifteen people died.大火肆虐了十二个小时,造成十五人死亡。For nearly two months the fighting raged.激烈的战斗持续了差不多两个月。Dad alternately brooded and raged, and Mum wasn't much better.爸爸时而忧伤时而愤怒,妈妈也没好多少。A fire broke out in the warehouse and raged unchecked for over two hours.仓库里起了火,大火熊熊,不受控制地燃烧了两个多小时。The storm raged unabated.暴风雨继续肆虐。Fire raged through the forest.大火在林中迅猛蔓延。A blizzard raged across the mountains.暴风雪袭击山区。The war raged for nearly two years.激烈的战争持续了将近两年。He raged on about how he had a good mind to resign.他还在大发脾气,叫嚷着真想辞职不干了。The fighting raged without a letup through the night,激战持续了一整晚没有停止。He was sorry he had raged at her earlier.他后悔刚才对她发了火。He raged over such a trivial matter.他为这么一丁点儿小事大发其火。The storm raged all night but by morning it had blown over.暴风雨肆虐了一整夜,但到第二天早上就平息了。




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