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词汇 rabbits
例句 Young rabbits are born blind and hairless.兔子生下来时看不见东西而且没有毛发。The rabbits scattered when they heard our footsteps.兔子一听见我们的脚步声便四散逃开。We saw dogs questing for rabbits.我们看见猎狗在搜寻兔子。They have several pets - a dog, two rabbits, and a guinea pig.他们有好几只宠物:一只狗、两只兔子和一只豚鼠。She brought me a brace of pheasants and two brace of rabbits.她给我带来一对野鸡和两对野兔。The rabbits nibbled away on the herbaceous plants.兔子把那些草本植物一点点地啃吃掉了。Large numbers of rabbits populate these woods.这片树林里有许多兔子。I shall tell you a story about four little rabbits.我给你讲个四只小兔子的故事。You don't usually see rabbits of this size.这么大的兔子不常见。The hunters spitted two rabbits.猎手戳住两只兔子。He potted at rabbits with his new gun.他用新枪随手射击兔子。Use the dogs to flush the rabbits out.驱狗把兔子从藏身处赶出。That family breeds like rabbits.那家子像兔子繁殖般地生儿育女。The professor had been experimenting on rabbits.那个教授一直在用兔子做实验。They were taking potshots at passing rabbits.他们向奔窜而过的野兔乱开枪。He debated whether to make a joke about shooting rabbits, but decided against it.他心里琢磨是否该开个有关打兔子的玩笑,但决定还是算了。Staff use the poison to exterminate moles and rabbits.员工用毒药来消灭鼹鼠和野兔。His dog accounted for two of the rabbits兔子中有两只是他的狗猎获的。Early settlers caught rabbits and squirrels and even rats in order to survive.早期移民为了生存,捕捉野兔、松鼠甚至老鼠吃。The rabbits had burrowed a hole under the fence.兔子在篱笆下掘了个洞。Baby rabbits for sale. Enquire within.幼兔出售,请入内洽询。She breeds rabbits, or rather hares.她饲养兔子,或者更准确地说,是饲养野兔。The boys made snares to catch rabbits.这些男孩子设置陷阱捕捉兔子。When I was little, my family always had lots of pets - dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, rabbits - the whole nine yards.我小时候家里总是有许多宠物:狗、猫、仓鼠、鱼、兔子,应有尽有。We used a dog to flush the rabbits out.我们用一条狗把那些野兔赶出来。The rabbits are gnawing at the fence.兔子在啮咬篱笆。He keeps / raises rabbits and poultry.他饲养兔子和家禽。Frightened by the sound of footsteps, the rabbits ran off in all directions.兔子被脚步声惊吓得四处窜逃。I intervened to say that I could not pull rabbits out of a hat.我插一句:我可不会变魔术。He came home with two brace of rabbits in the bag.他带著装有两对野兔的猎袋回家来了。He is studying reproduction in rabbits.他在研究家兔的繁殖。The watchman eked out his wages by breeding rabbits.看门人靠养兔子来弥补工资的不足。The boys set snares to catch rabbits.男孩们张网捕捉兔子。The population of rabbits is controlled by natural predators.兔子的数量是由它的天敌控制的。We keep rabbits as pets.我们养兔子当宠物。Keep an eye out for rabbits in the field.要密切注意田里的兔子。The rabbits nibbled away at the herbaceous plants.兔群一点一点地啃着这些草本植物。The rabbits were housed individually.兔子被分开饲养。




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