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词汇 quite a
例句 The Spanish wine, with the flavour of honey, packed quite a punch.那种蜂蜜味道的西班牙葡萄酒劲很大。It was quite a fast journey.这是一次很快就结束了的旅程。He was quite a skinny little boy.他是个瘦得皮包骨头的小男孩。These people have been targets for quite a period of time.相当一段时间以来,那些人一直是被抨击的对象。She's quite a handful.她是个刺头。We used to see quite a lot of his wife, Carolyn.我们以前经常见到他的妻子卡罗琳。Starting a business can be quite a dicey proposition.创业是件很有风险的事情。It's quite a scramble to get to the mountaintop.费劲攀登才能到达山顶。They form quite a cacophonic minority in Congress.他们在国会里构成一个专唱反调的少数派。If you play your cards right, you could make quite a lot of money out of this.如果经营得法,你会从中赚很多钱。She has quite a repertoire of funny stories.她讲趣味故事很有一套。This exercise can be quite a useful icebreaker for new groups.这种活动对于活跃新群体的气氛相当有用。It comes as quite a shock to still hear a judge describing a child as "illegitimate", with all the pejorative overtones of that word.令人大为震惊的是,尽管“私生子”一词带有强烈的贬义,但现在仍能听到法官称某个孩子为私生子。I've got quite a lot of stuff to read.我有许多东西要读。I sold quite a few paintings.我卖出了很多画。She has had quite a few glasses of wine and is in no shape to drive. 她喝了很多葡萄酒,不能开车了。She gave him quite a tongue-lashing when he failed to file the papers on time.她狠狠地斥责他没能按时把文件归档。They had quite a march to get there.他们要走好长的一段路才能到达那里。She's quite a ballsy lawyer.她是个相当敢作敢为的律师。Being responsible for your own health is one thing, but being responsible for another person's health is quite a different matter.对自己的健康负责是一回事,但是对别人的健康负责则完全是另外一回事。She travels around on business quite a lot.她经常去不同的地方出差。It was quite a shock to see my face on that screen!从那个屏幕上看到我的脸,真让人惊愕不已。It gives me quite a little pleasure.这使我得到不少乐趣。He's quite a big boy for his age.以他的年龄来说,他个子算大了。I got into quite a few scraps when I was a kid.我小时候打过不少架。He'd already begun to establish quite a reputation as a journalist.他已经开始确立起了作为一名新闻记者的一定声誉。That is quite a different matter.那完全是另一码事。There's quite a steep slope down to the river.到那条河边有一段相当陡的斜坡。Your daughter is getting to be quite a big girl now!你女儿现在变成一个大姑娘了!I used to entertain at home quite a lot, and I can still whip up a fairly decent dinner party.我原来经常在家自娱自乐,现在也还能迅速准备好一顿颇为像样的晚宴。They're worth quite a bit more than I thought.它们比我原先想的要贵很多。They've accumulated quite a body of evidence.他们已经积累了大量证据。On the surface she seems quite a pleasant woman, but there's something very artificial about her.表面上她像是个很开朗随和的女人,但她有些很不自然的成分。They spend quite a lot of money each week on eating out.他们每个星期花很多钱出去吃饭。I had to queue for quite a while.我不得不排一会儿队。By looking at the bones of this animal, we can discover quite a lot about its musculature.通过观察这种动物的骨骼,我们可以了解其肌肉系统的不少特点。I've been going out with her for quite a while now. = We've been going out for quite a while now.我跟她已经相恋很长时间了。You can walk to town from here, but it's quite a trek.你可以从这儿走到城里去,但是路有些远。He's on quite a good salary now.他现在工资相当高了。It's quite a way to walk to the station.走到车站颇有一段距离。




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