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词汇 disapprove
例句 My friends disapprove of me smoking.我的朋友们反对我抽烟。Most people disapprove of such violent tactics.多数人反对这种暴力的手段。The Queen is said to disapprove of the antics of some of the younger members of the Royal Family.据说女王不赞成部分年轻的皇室成员不负责任的行为。Most fundamentalist churches disapprove of homosexuals.大多数原教旨主义教会都反对同性恋。I have heard everything, and entirely disapprove.所有的说法我都听到了,我全然反对。We disapprove his rash conduct.我们对他的鲁莽行为不以为然。I disapprove of diets; it's better to eat sensibly.我不赞成节食,最好还是合理饮食。Even the most dovish people disapprove of decommissioning, partly on grounds of principle.连极力主和的人也不同意军舰退役,这一部分是因为原则问题。He felt certain she would disapprove.他敢肯定她会反对。There are those who disapprove of all forms of gambling.有种人反对任何形式的赌博。If the committee disapprove the plan, it will not go forward.如果委员会反对,计划就无法实施。I strongly disapprove of any form of gambling.我坚决反对任何形式的赌博。Her parents disapprove of her going to dance alone.她父母反对她独自赴舞会。She wanted to confide in Alan, but was frightened he might disapprove.她想向阿伦吐露秘密,但害怕他会不赞成。Some people may disapprove of the government's actions.有些人可能不赞同政府的行动。The church may disapprove but Catholics can and do obtain civil divorces.教会也许不同意,但是天主教徒可以请求民事离婚并且能够获准。We disapprove the constant billingsgate poured on them.我们不同意老是对他们进行谩骂。Parents often disapprove of their children's choice of partner.父母通常不赞成自己的孩子对于伴侣的选择。




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