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词汇 disarmed
例句 The police disarmed the criminal.警察缴了罪犯的械。We were disarmed by her sense of humor.她的幽默感迷住了我们。She disarmed him by saying that her behaviour had been unforgivable.她说自己过去的行为是不可饶恕的,这就消释了他的怒气。It was his French accent that disarmed her.正是他的法国口音消除了她的怒气。The policeman disarmed the thief.警察缴了窃贼的械。His frankness completely disarmed her.他的坦率彻底征服了她。Interviewers are disarmed by her straightforward approach.她的坦诚消除了面试考官的敌意。With one movement, she disarmed the man and pinned him against the wall.她一下子就缴了那男子的械,并把他按到墙上。His ease of manner disarmed us.他的悠然自得使我们放下了戒备。His unease disarmed her.他的挂念化解了她的怒气。We were angry but he disarmed us by his smile.我们很生气,但他一笑使我们怒气全消。His tact and political skills disarmed his critics.他凭老练和政治手腕平息了批评者的怒气。Captured soldiers were disarmed and put into camps.俘获的士兵被缴械后关进了战俘营。The bomb had been safely disarmed and the all clear given.炸弹被安全拆除引信后发布了危险解除信号。




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