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词汇 disappointed
例句 I knew it was shabby of me, but I couldn't help feeling slightly disappointed.我知道我不应该这么想,但我还是不禁觉得有点失望。I let them know in no uncertain terms how disappointed I was.我明确地让他们知道我是多么失望。I'm rather disappointed that he should get the post.他竟会得到这个职位,我很感失望。We were disappointed at the results.我们对结果感到失望。We are disappointed but certainly not disheartened.我们很失望,但绝对没有气馁。Michael Jackson was a no-show; we were so disappointed.麦克‧杰克逊黄牛了,不能如约出席;我们非常的失望。She was disappointed not to get the job, but the promise of another job cushioned/softened the blow. 她因没能得到那份工作而非常沮丧,但是有望获得另一份工作又让她感到好受一点。They're disappointed at the result.他们对结果感到失望。I searched for information on the web and came away disappointed.我到网上查找信息,结果大失所望。I went to see the playwright's so-called masterpiece and was very disappointed by it.我去看了该剧作家那部所谓的代表作,感到非常失望。We're disappointed with the new car.我们对这辆新车感到失望。I'd be disappointed if we don't make it, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.如果我们没能成功,我会感到失望,但这也不会是世界末日。He informed us with massive understatement that he was feeling disappointed.他极力轻描淡写地跟我们说他感到失望。Of course, we're disappointed with the court's decision.当然,我们对法院的判决非常失望。She looked a shade disappointed.她看上去有点失望。If de Gaulle entertained hopes of an alliance, he was to be swiftly disappointed.如果戴高乐心存联盟的希望,他很快就会失望的。She was a little disappointed with the job.她对这份工作有点失望。She was disappointed that he hadn't opened up about Gretchen.他未能直陈格雷琴的情况,为此她很失望。 It is a safe assumption that she was very disappointed.可以有把握地推断,她很失望。They gave a second-rate performance and the audience were disappointed.他们的表演实属二流,观众大失所望。In Sale, disappointed voters switched their allegiance in droves.在塞尔,一批批失望的选民改变了他们的拥戴对象。I was bitterly disappointed.我极其失望。The expression on his face showed how disappointed he was.他的面部表情流露出他很失望。Obviously, I'm disappointed at the way things have turned out.很明显,事情的发展让我大失所望。I was very disappointed when it happened. But time marches on, and I've learned to accept it now.事情发生的时候我相当失望。但随着时间的推移,我现在已经学会接受了。Her hardness of heart disappointed him.她冷酷的心使他失望。To say we are disappointed about this is putting it mildly.说我们对此很失望是很客气的说法。His fans were disappointed by his nonappearance at the concert.他未现身音乐会,歌迷们感到失望。To say I am disappointed is an understatement.说我失望是轻描淡写。If she was disappointed, it was her own fault for expecting too much.如果她失望的话,那是她自己期望过高造成的。I was disappointed by the turn-out for our home match.我对我们主场比赛的观众到场人数感到失望。He seemed almost disappointed when I agreed to go.我答应要去时,他的表情几乎是失望了。Jerry sounded genuinely disappointed.杰里听上去真的很失望。I was surprised and disappointed by the decision.这个决定让我感到意外和失望。Castle-hunters won't be disappointed with the Isle of Man.马恩岛不会让城堡探寻者失望的。I'm disappointed about John not coming.约翰没来,我很失望。We were doubly disappointed that Jane didn't come.简没来,我们倍感失望。I was disappointed whenever the cook found fault with my work.每当厨师对我的工作吹毛求疵时,我都很失望。I was bitterly disappointed to have lost yet another race so near the finish.再一次在赛跑中与胜利失之交臂让我深感失望。I was disappointed that Kluge was not there.克卢格不在那儿,我很失望。




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