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词汇 put pressure
例句 Advertising puts pressure on parents to work long hours, in order to buy things that their children don't need.广告给父母亲们施加了压力,让他们延长工作时间以便为子女购买不必要的东西。Her parents put pressure on her and her boyfriend to get married.父母向她和她男友施压,要他们结婚。In this way, he hoped to put pressure on the British and thus to wring concessions from them.他希望通过这种方式向英国人施压,从而迫使他们让步。She urged the international community to continue to put pressure on the government.她号召国际社会继续对该政府施加压力。They put pressure on women to conform to a stereotype.他们对妇女施加压力,要求她们遵守妇道。Threats of dismissal were intended to put pressure on the strikers.以开除相威胁,目的是向罢工者施加压力。Competition between the industry players for fewer contracts has put pressure on prices and profit margins.业内各商家为争夺越来越少的合同而展开的竞争对价格和利润率造成了压力。He may have put pressure on her to agree.他可能向她施加了压力,迫使她同意。He felt pressure from his father to become a doctor. = His father put pressure on him to become a doctor. 父亲想让他当医生,他感到有压力。They put pressure on the Government to change its intransigent stance.他们向政府施压以迫使其改变不妥协的立场。




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