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词汇 manoeuvre
例句 It's a manoeuvre to deflect the attention of the people from what is really happening.这是为将公众注意力从事实真相上转移开而耍的花招。By this manoeuvre, he hopes to gain an advantage at a later stage.他希望通过这一策略为自己在后一阶段赢得优势。We attempted to manoeuvre the canoe closer to him.我们试图把独木舟划到他跟前。The authorities have to manoeuvre the markets into demanding a cut in interest rates.当局不得不干预市场,迫其提出削减利率的要求。Loaded supermarket trolleys are often difficult to manoeuvre.满载的超市购物车常常很难控制方向。Dexter tried every manoeuvre he could to overtake the truck.德克斯特千方百计想超过那辆卡车。This was only a ploy for the footballer to manoeuvre an early exit from the Midlands.这不过是该名足球运动员为早日离开中部地区而耍的花招。The President's room for manoeuvre has been severely limited by Congress.总统的职权范围受到国会严格的限制。A careful driver will often stop talking before carrying out a complex manoeuvre.谨慎的司机在做复杂的操作之前往往会停止交谈。He hoped by this manoeuvre to turn the enemy's flank.他希望通过这一部署包抄敌人的侧翼。Suddenly, by a brilliant political manoeuvre, he reversed the situation.突然之间,他靠着出色的政治手段扭转了局面。Teachers feel they have little room for manoeuvre when the curriculum is so demanding.课程要求很严格,教师感到没有多少发挥的余地。Her withdrawal from the contest was a tactical manoeuvre.她退出比赛是一个战术策略。Inverted flight is an acrobatic manoeuvre of the plane.倒飞是飞机的一种特技动作。The authorities have to manoeuvre the markets into demanding a cut in interest rates.当局不得不干预市场,迫使其提出削减利率的要求。Napoleon was undertaking some sort of flanking manoeuvre.拿破仑当时正举行某种侧翼包抄军事演习。As I see it, Lisa, you don't really have a great deal of room for manoeuvre.据我看,莉萨,你其实没有多少回旋的余地。Announcing his candidacy was only a manoeuvre to prevent his rival from gaining the nomination.宣布他的候选人身份只是制止他对手获得提名的一种策略。With an election looming, he has little room for manoeuvre.随着大选临近,他几乎没有什么回旋的余地了。The general hoped by this manoeuvre to disconcert the enemy's plan.这位将军希望通过这次作战行动扰乱敌人的计划。That was a really clumsy manoeuvre.那真是个笨拙的动作。The law in this area is very strict and doesn't allow us much room for manoeuvre.这个地方的法律非常严格,我们很难有回旋的余地。She managed to manoeuvre expertly into the parking space.她熟练地将车子驶进了车位。The manoeuvre failed to dislodge the rebels.这个计策未能赶走叛乱分子。There was plenty of room for manoeuvre.有很大的回旋余地。The government has very little room for manoeuvre on this issue.在这个问题上政府没有多少回旋的余地。She tried to manoeuvre her body into a more comfortable position.她动来动去,想要换个较为舒服的姿势。The economic conditions are restricting the bank's freedom of manoeuvre.经济状况限制了银行调整策略的自由度。The area for manoeuvre is, however, extremely narrow.不过,机动的余地极为狭窄。Some margin for manoeuvre exists.还有一些回旋的余地。The ship had little room to manoeuvre.这艘船几乎没有回旋的空间。Some analysts believe he has made a canny political manoeuvre.一些分析家认为,他的这一政治举措很高明。




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