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词汇 manoeuvres
例句 The camp was used for military manoeuvres.这个营地被用于军事演习。At this point the pilot initiated evasive manoeuvres.这时候飞行员开始进行规避演习。The pilot has to carry out a series of complex manoeuvres.飞行员必须完成一系列复杂的动作。This car manoeuvres well at high speed.这辆汽车高速行驶时操作性能很好。He manoeuvres to foster recovery.他着手促进复苏。He used cutting-edge manoeuvres to outsmart other bidders.他利用尖端策略从竞标人中胜出。Mercer won the election thanks to the manoeuvres of his son-in-law.幸亏其女婿使出几招伎俩,默瑟才赢得了这场选举。SkyHawks perform aerial manoeuvres over Parliament Hill.几架天鹰战斗机在渥太华议会山上空表演了特技飞行。They never stooped to petty manoeuvres.他们从不会卑劣到耍弄小花招。A series of impressive manoeuvres by the chairman had secured a lucrative contract for the company.董事长采取了一连串十分巧妙的策略,使公司得到了一份利润丰厚的合同。He must anticipate the manoeuvres of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game.他必须预见到其他律师的策略,然后以彼之道击败他们。Drivers had to make sudden evasive manoeuvres.驾驶员必须做出突然的闪避动作。The unit is on manoeuvres in southern Italy.这支小分队正在意大利南部进行作战演习。Avoid sudden jerks in intricate parking manoeuvres.在进行复杂的停车操作时要避免突然的颠簸。




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