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词汇 manoeuvred
例句 John had been manoeuvred into an awkward position.约翰在他人操纵下陷入了难堪境地。The enemy manoeuvred its troops in a disorderly way.敌人慌乱地调兵遣将。He brilliantly manoeuvred himself back into power.他运用手腕巧妙地重掌权力。Businesses manoeuvred to have their industry organized to their own advantage.企业想方设法,要让他们的行业结构符合自己的利益。The pilot instinctively manoeuvred to avoid them.飞行员下意识地驾驶飞机避开了它们。We manoeuvred the TV in front of the sofa.我们把电视机挪到了沙发前面。Kitchener manoeuvred his force into a strong position.基奇纳将他的队伍调遣到了一处坚固阵地。He had manoeuvred his way into a position of strength in the party.他设法在党内获得了实权地位。Tony manoeuvred / maneuvered his wheelchair out from behind his desk.托尼把轮椅从书桌后面转出来。The wicks are dropped in and manoeuvred through the small hole.让烛芯下落并轻巧地穿过小洞。He carefully manoeuvred the boat past the rocks.他小心翼翼地操控着小船绕过礁石。He started the car and manoeuvred out of the parking place.他把车发动起来,左转右拐地驶离停车场。Hooper started the car and manoeuvred out of the parking space.胡珀发动车后熟练地驶出了停车位。The ships manoeuvred to block the channel.军舰实施调动以封锁海峡。He manoeuvred his pipe to the corner of his mouth.他努动嘴把烟斗移到嘴角。The battalion had manoeuvred into formation.这个营奉命组成战斗队形。With great difficulty, the fisherman manoeuvred his small craft close to the reef.渔夫费了很大劲儿才把小船驶近暗礁。He brilliantly manoeuvred himself back to power.他依靠手腕巧妙地重掌权力。Josh manoeuvred himself out of bed and hobbled to the door.乔希小心地下了床,一瘸一拐地朝门口走去。I manoeuvred my way among the tables to the back corner of the place.我在桌子中间穿行,来到后面的角落里。I manoeuvred the van carefully into the driveway.我娴熟地驾驶着小货车小心驶入车道。




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