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词汇 manor
例句 Thank God they're not on my manor any more.谢天谢地,他们再也不在我的辖区里了。Every village has a green, a church, a pub and a manor house.每个村庄都有一片绿地、一座教堂、一间酒馆和一座庄园宅第。A golden sunset behind the old manor house threw it into sharp relief against the sky.这座古老的庄园在夕阳余晖的映衬下格外醒目。The house is a rebuild of the original manor house.这幢房屋是由原先庄园宅第改建而成的。Nobody knows exactly who built the manor, but it is certain that an architect called John Sturges supplied the drawings.没有人确切知道谁建造了庄园,但肯定是一位名叫约翰·斯特奇斯的建筑师提供的图纸。One of the schools in the district was situated on the manor.这个区里的一所学校位于这块永久租地。The Chief Constable deeply resented any intrusions into his manor.警察局局长对别人侵入他的管辖区深恶痛绝。How do they call you in the manor?在庄园别人怎么称呼你? Thieves broke into the manor at night.小偷们夜间闯入了庄园主的宅第。The family took up temporary residence in the manor house.一家人临时在庄园宅邸住下了。In those days it was the custom for farmers to give part of their crop to the lord of the manor.那时候的传统是农民要把农作物的一部分交给领主。Thank God they're not on my manor any more.谢天谢地,他们总算不再在我的辖区了。The manor was a marble house surrounded by a beautiful garden.庄园主宅第是一栋环抱在美丽的花园中的大理石房子。We lived in an old tumbledown manor house overlooking the Bay.我们住在一座俯瞰海湾的破败庄园里。




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