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词汇 pursuing
例句 Some of these ideas are worth pursuing, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel.这些观点中有些值得进一步探究,但是没有必要全盘重来。The country is still pursuing its aim of joining the EU.该国仍在努力实现加入欧盟的目标。No hardness could stop him from pursuing his goals.任何困难也阻挡不住他去追求他的目标。He promised there would be no more hesitation in pursuing reforms.他承诺今后在致力于改革时不会再有任何迟疑。She was intent on pursuing a career in business.她决意要在商界谋求一职。Traditional stores are now pursuing a bricks and clicks strategy.传统商店现在正采取实体店与网上交易并举的作法。I decided the matter was not worth pursuing further.我认定此事不值得再做。He's been pursuing her for months and yet she's so clearly not interested.他已经追求她好几个月了,不过很显然她不感兴趣。The police are pursuing after a fugitive.警察在追捕一名逃犯。Briggs ran across the field with one officer pursuing him.布里格斯跑过农田,一名警察正在追捕他。He felt their eyes pursuing him.他感觉到他们的目光跟着他转。It is our task to convince the multitudes that we are pursuing a lawful hobby in a lawful way.我们的任务是要让民众相信,我们是在用合法的方式来从事一种合法的爱好。He wished that he could be like other children instead of pursuing his lonely predestined path.他希望他能够像其他孩子一样,而不是走一条早已注定的孤独之路。If two people aren't naturally suited to each other, there's no point in pursuing a relationship.如果两人天生性格不合,就没有必要维持关系。The hunters spent hours pursuing their prey.猎人们花费数小时追捕猎物。The government is pursuing a policy of containment.政府在奉行遏制政策。The government's policy is a recipe for disaster. = The government is flirting with disaster by pursuing this policy.政府的政策是招致灾难的祸根。He might think she was pursuing him.他可能觉得她在追求他。He is an amoral, selfish person pursuing his own goals.他是个不讲道德、自私自利、只顾追求自己目标的人。Police are still pursuing their investigations.警方仍在进行调查。Motherhood won't stop me from pursuing my acting career.做了母亲并不会阻止我继续追求我的演艺事业。They were pursuing their own agenda.他们那时正按照自己的议程表行事。They're pursuing a strategy of massive retaliation.他们奉行大规模报复战略。We're pursuing various possibilities.我们正在探究各种可能性。I don't think this idea is worth pursuing any further.我认为这个主意不值得再考虑下去了。He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity.他怀揣着一个实现世界繁荣的乌托邦之梦。The police are pursuing a new line of inquiry/investigation.警方正在实施一种新的调查方法。The police are pursuing their inquiries with great diligence.警方正不知疲倦地进行调查。She is ruthless in pursuing her goals.她为了达到目的不择手段。He promised there would be no more hesitations in pursuing reforms.他答应在推进改革这件事上不再迟疑不决。In pursuing abolition Wilberforce had shown himself to be a good man.威尔伯福斯致力于废除奴隶制,表明他是个好人。Cabinet Ministers are selfishly pursuing their own vested interests.内阁大臣们正在自私地追逐他们自己的既得利益。He admired her dogged persistence in pursuing the job.他敬佩她顽强不屈、坚持不懈的求职精神。The police were pursuing after the criminals.警察正在追赶那帮歹徒。The government is demonstrating utter stupidity in pursuing such a policy.政府执行此项政策愚蠢透顶。The police are pursuing a new line of inquiry.警方正沿着一条新线索进行调查。He was still doggedly pursuing his studies.他仍然坚持不懈地进行着自己的研究。The company has been pursuing Holton for some time, but so far he has rejected all their offers.该公司一直想聘用霍尔登,但至今为止他拒绝了他们提供的所有条件。He has set his heart on pursuing his studies abroad.他下决心到国外求学。That's an idea that's worth pursuing.这是个值得进一步思考的观点。




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