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词汇 punched
例句 He punched in at the depot.他在仓库刷卡上班。New owners punched up the newspaper with color photographs.新老板们用彩色照片为报纸增色。Police believe the killer punched her to death with his bare hands.警方认为她是被凶手活活用拳头打死的。She punched him in the stomach. 她击打他的腹部。She punched him on the nose and kicked him in the shins.她冲他鼻子打了一拳,又在他小腿上踢了一脚。The rocket punched its way out of the atmosphere.火箭猛力冲出大气层。She hauled off and punched him in the face.她突然挥臂朝他脸上打了一拳。He punched my face/nose/mouth/arm.他用拳头打了我的脸/鼻子/嘴/手臂。Adam led with his left and punched his opponent on the jaw.亚当先出左拳,一拳打在对手的下巴上。He punched the invoices and filed them.他将发票打孔后归档。He punched her in the face at least once giving her a black eye.他朝她脸上打了至少一拳,把她的眼眶都打青了。Two men punched him, knocking him to the ground.两名男子用重拳把他打倒在地。His attacker had punched him hard in the face.袭击他的人用拳头重重地打在他的脸上。Early computers required input in the form of punched cards.早期的计算机要求以穿孔卡的形式输入信息。She punched two holes in each sheet of paper.她在每张纸上打了两个孔。I punched holes in the papers and filed them away in a binder.我在文件上打了孔,归档在一个活页文件夹里。Dean punched her in the ribs and pushed her against the wall.迪安用拳头打她的肋骨,并把她推到墙上。He gave a roar of rage and punched me in the face.他怒吼一声,猛地一拳打在我脸上。He punched his fist in the air.他在空中挥舞着拳头。He punched his brother and bloodied his nose.他给了弟弟一拳,打得他鼻子流血了。He punched him in the solar plexus.他一拳打在他的心口上。I punched out the guy.我把这个家伙打昏了。He waited until they were level with the door before he turned around sharply and punched Graham.等两人都到了门边后,他才猛地转过身来朝格雷厄姆挥手就是一拳。She punched him right in the kisser.她一拳正好打在他嘴上。He punched the air in triumph.他挥拳以示胜利。He turned round and punched Carlos in the stomach.他转过身一拳打在卡洛斯的腹部。The conductor punched my railway pass.列车员在我的火车票上打了个孔。Max was punched and kicked repeatedly as he lay on the ground.马克斯躺在地上不断遭到拳打脚踢。He punched the wall angrily.他愤怒地挥拳朝墙上捶打。The goalkeeper punched away another shot.守门员用拳挡开了又一次射门。She punched the pillow behind his head.她将枕头塞到他的脑后。She punched him in the belly.她用拳头猛击他的腹部。At the end, Graf punched the air in delight, a huge grin on her face.最后,格拉夫高兴得挥动着拳头,脸上笑开了花。The guard punched my ticket and I got on.守卫在我的票上打孔后我就上去了。She punched him on the chin/jaw/arm.她一拳打在他的下巴/颌/手臂上。David punched a button on the television.戴维按了一下电视机上的一个按钮。One of them sucker punched me.他们当中有个人冷不防地打了我。She punched an opening through the dough with her finger.她用手指在面团上戳开一个洞。He punched him the bread basket.他一拳捶到了他的肚子上。The shoemaker was threading stitches through tiny holes he had punched in the leather.制鞋匠在皮革上打好小小的洞眼,正在一针针地缝上线。




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