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词汇 left field
例句 Buckley whacked the ball into left field.巴克利把球击进了左场。The batter looped a single to left field.击球手击出一记左外野弧线一垒安打。An increasing number of candidates are emerging from left field.越来越多的候选人正从政界圈外人物中产生。She hit a double to left field.她击出一个二垒打把球击到左外野。The question came out of left field, but Mary Ann wasn't really surprised.问题虽然问得有点怪,但玛丽·安并不觉得惊讶。The batter flied to left field.击球手向左外野击了一个腾空球。He batted the ball into the left field.他把球打到左外野。He corraled the fly ball in left field.他在左场接住了那个飞球。He flied out to left field. 他击出一记高飞球,被左外野手接住杀出局。Her comments came out of left field.她的评论完全出乎人们的意料。The runner at third tagged and tried to score on a fly ball to left field.三垒的跑垒员用脚触垒,试图凭借飞向左外野的高飞球得分。He plays left field.他防守左外野。He hit a long fly ball to left field.他向左外野击了一个远距离腾空球。The ball soared to left field.那球腾空而起,飞到了左外场。He was out in left field, shagging fly balls. 他在左外场接飞来的球。He doubled to left field.他向左外野击出二垒打。He is, like most theorists, out there in left field, ignoring the experimental evidence.一如大多数理论家般,他想法古怪,行事出人意表,竟对实验得来的证据置之不理。Her position is way out in left field.她的观点离奇古怪。The ball looped over the shortstop's head into left field for a single.球呈弧线飞过游击手的头顶到达左外野,形成一垒安打。The girl next door was always queer, but after her mother died, she was really out in left field.邻家的姑娘一向有点儿古怪,自她母亲死后,她简直是精神错乱了。People don't know how to react when a question like that comes at them out of left field.像这样一个出其不意的问题,人们就不知该如何应对了。He tried to answer the teacher's question, but he was way out in left field.他试图回答教师的提问,但完全答非所问。He knocked in a run in the second inning with a double to left field.他在第二局击出一个左外野二垒打,并使跑垒员跑垒得分。That question came out of left field.那个问题使人始料不及。He hit a three-run bomb over the left field wall.他击出一个得三分的左外野本垒打。She's kind of out in left field but she's fun.她有些另类,但很有趣。If I can't play him every day, I'll platoon him in left field.我若不能让他每天上场,便让他在左外场打同位替补。The batter hit a looping single to left field.击球手击出一记左外野弧线一垒安打。She lined a single to left field. 她击出的平直球飞到了左外野,形成一次一垒安打。Pinch-hitter Francisco Cabrera lashed a single to left field.替补队员弗朗西斯科·卡布雷拉向左外场猛地击出一个一垒打。




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