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词汇 left-hand
例句 The faulty left-hand engine failed catastrophically as the aircraft approached the airport.飞机接近机场时,出故障的左侧发动机突然熄火,引发了灾难。She has bought a left-hand drive.她买了一辆左座驾驶的汽车。Debits are shown in the left-hand column.借方记录展示在左边一栏里。I put it in the left-hand drawer.我将它放在左手的抽屉内。Stay on the left-hand pavement to follow a road downhill round a curve.继续顺着左边的人行道拐一个弯,然后沿路下山。The new five-dollar bills have shifted the president's head toward the left-hand side.新的五美元纸币把总统头像移到了左边。In Sri Lanka they drive on the left-hand side of the road.在斯里兰卡是靠马路左侧行驶的。The right-hand dial shows the temperature, and the left-hand one shows the air pressure.右面的刻度盘显示温度,左面的刻度盘显示气压。Take a left-hand turn at the next intersection.在下一个十字路口左转。They drive on the left-hand side of the road.他们靠公路左边行驶。The left-hand speaker doesn't seem to be working.左手的扬声器看样子失灵了。The plates are on the left-hand side of the cupboard.盘子在橱柜的左边。Someone had written a note in the left-hand margin.有人在左边的空白处写了一个批注。The faulty left-hand engine failed catastrophically as the aircraft approached the airport.飞机快到机场时,本来有故障的左引擎突然熄火,引发了灾难。She has a left-hand drive mini that she got in France.她有一辆在法国买的左座驾驶的微型汽车。In Japan they drive on the left-hand side of the road.在日本,汽车靠路的左侧行驶。The bus stop is a bit further down on the left-hand side.公共汽车站就在再往下走一点靠左边的地方。Tens go in the left-hand column and units in the right.十位数在左栏,个位数在右栏。His rooms were on the left-hand side of the quad.他的房间位于四方院的左侧。Take a clean sheet of paper and down the left-hand side make a list.拿一张白纸,在左下方列一份单子。The car has left-hand drive.这辆车是左座驾驶的。Please write your name in the left/left-hand margin of the page.请把你的名字写在本页左边/左手边的空白处。Our building will be on the left-hand side.我们的大楼在左边。Draw a margin down the left-hand side.在左边画一条边界线。A flight of steps goes up the left-hand side of the room.房间的左手边是往上的楼梯。Driving on the left-hand side of the road was unfamiliar and a little frightening.不习惯靠左行驶,有点害怕。When the road divides, take the left-hand route.道路分岔时走左边那条路。There's a dirty mark on the top left-hand corner of the picture.照片的左上角有一处污迹。Take a clean sheet of paper and down the left-hand side make a list.拿张白纸,在左下方列个单子。You'll find the knives and forks in the left-hand drawer.你会发现刀叉在左手边的抽屉里。I moved over into the left-hand lane.我换到了左边车道。Please write your name on the upper left-hand corner of the page.请在这页的左上角签上你的名字。Start writing at the left-hand margin.从左页边空白处开始写。The keys are in the back left-hand corner of the drawer.钥匙放在抽屉里面左边一角。The centre forward aimed for the left-hand corner of the net.中锋对准球网的左角射门。Write your name on the upper left-hand corner of the page.把名字写在页面左上角。The right-hand sides of these two equations are equal. It follows that the left-hand sides are likewise equal.这两个方程式的右边相等,所以它们的左边同样也相等。




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