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词汇 Left
例句 The Union of the Left broke apart last spring.左翼联盟于去春分裂。Left untreated, the arteries will gradually narrow, restricting the flow of blood.如不加以治疗,动脉会逐渐变窄,从而限制血液流通。The voters were determined to give the Left a clear lead in the elections.选民决心在选举中使左派占明显优势。Left alone, they were fighting against overwhelming odds.他们孤身作战,正与莫大的困难作斗争。Left all alone in her room, she was in despair.房间里就留下她一个人,她陷入了绝望。Left-wing groups engineered a coup against the military government.左翼集团密谋策划了一场反军政府的政变。Left to themselves, our kids would spend most of their time watching TV.如果听之任之的话,我们的孩子就会把大部分时间花在看电视上。Left-wing opposition leaders, in flight from persecution, went across the border.左翼反对党领导人为了逃避迫害逃往境外。Left-handed hitters usually prefer facing right-handed pitchers.左手击球员通常喜欢面对右投手。The Left was still spouting old Marxist slogans.左翼仍在呼喊着陈旧的马克思主义口号。The Left-Hand Piano Concerto was the first of several works commissioned from distinguished composers.《左撇子钢琴协奏曲》是著名作曲家受托谱写的数部作品中的第一部。The prevailing view seems to be that the Left will come to power.主流观点认为左翼会掌权。The Left has approached student politics with its customary virulence.左派以其惯常的敌意对待学生政治。His political opinions have attracted the opprobrium of the Left.他的政治观点遭到了左派的抨击。Left unattended for a few days in hot weather, grass quickly turns brown, and is not a pretty sight.在炎热的天气里,草坪如果几天没有打理很快就会变黄,非常难看。Left to his own devices, Osborn is a fluent — and often original — guitarist.任其自由发挥时,奥斯本是一个弹奏流畅、常常富有创意的吉他手。Left-wing activists were driven underground after the coup.政变后左翼活动人士被迫转入地下。Left out in the heat of the sun, tapes easily warp or get stuck in their cases.如果放在太阳下暴晒,磁带很容易翘曲或在磁带盒里黏结。Left-wing extremists have threatened to disrupt the political convention.左翼极端分子威胁说要扰乱这次政治会议。Left-wing revolutionaries toppled the king from his throne.左翼革命分子推翻了国王的统治。Members of the Left have voiced their opinions on this matter.左派人士表达了他们对此事的看法。Left-click on the field you want to type in.在你想要打字的地方点击鼠标左键。Left ventricular failure is a marker for longstanding raised blood pressure.左心室衰竭是血压持续升高的标志。He received strong criticism from the Left of the party.他受到了该党左派人士的强烈指责。These are excuses which the Left might deploy to explain away failure.这些都是左派可能用来为失败辩解的借口。Left to raise themselves on the streets, these children form roving bands of delinquents.这些孩子被迫流浪街头,结成了一些流窜的犯罪团伙。He supports ultra-Left policies.他拥护极左方针。The new law is disliked by the Left.新法为左派人士所憎恶。Left-hand drive cars make driving in Britain difficult.左座驾驶的车在英国开起来很困难。Left-wing dissidents have been emasculated and marginalised.左派持不同政见者已经遭到削弱和排挤。It was his brilliant performance in 'My Left Foot' that established his reputation.他在《我的左脚》中的精彩表演使他一举成名。Later he became established as the unchallenged leader of the Left.后来他成了左派毫无争议的领袖。His nomination is opposed by the country's Left.他的提名遭到了国内左派的反对。Left-handers have trouble using can-openers, scissors, and potato peelers.左撇子在使用开罐刀、剪刀和土豆削皮器时会有困难。The Right are said to be better organized than the Left.据说右派比左派组织得更好。




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