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词汇 provinces
例句 She's from the provinces and not familiar with Rome.她来自外省,对罗马不熟悉。Although geographically linked, the two provinces have long fought for political ascendancy.尽管在地理上彼此依存,两省却长期为获取政治支配权你争我夺。The play will tour the provinces in the autumn.这出戏秋天将在各地巡回演出。The book presents a tapestry of teenage life in the provinces.这本书描绘了一幅乡下少年丰富多彩的生活画面。The show is currently touring the provinces with a new cast.该节目目前正以新的演员阵容在各省巡回演出。The independent provinces were federated to form a nation.独立的各省结成联邦,组建起一个国家。Reports of civil unrest continue to come in from the northern provinces.国民骚乱的报道不断从北方各省传来。This measure would unite all the provinces.这项措施能将各省联合起来。The provinces are full of thrusting talents and it would take something extra to stand out.这些省有很多积极进取的人才,所以要脱颖而出就得有自己的独到之处。He was accustomed to city life and did not like living in the provinces.他过惯了大城市生活,不喜欢住在外地。They left the city for life in the provinces.他们离开城市去外省生活了。There are a number of press agencies based in London and in the provinces.在伦敦和外省设有一些通讯社。All the western provinces had fallen into enemy hands.西部各省全部落入敌人手中。They can cause revolts in enemy provinces by fermenting unrest.通过挑起骚动,他们可以在敌方省份制造叛乱。Most populous provinces were seriously inundated with flood.大多数人口稠密的省份洪水泛滥成灾。The four provinces are riven by deep tribal conflicts.这四个省被严重的部族纷争弄得四分五裂。The southern provinces are still badly affected by flooding.南方各省仍在遭受水灾的严重影响。This measure would unite all the provinces and form a single state.这项措施能将各省联合起来并组成一个单一的国家。Hostilities broke out between the two provinces later that year.那一年晚些时候两省之间的战正爆发了。The rich provinces of Asia Minor were plundered by the invaders.小亚细亚的富饶地区遭到侵略者的劫掠。At least 20 provinces in China have their own acrobatic troupes.中国至少有二十个省份拥有它们自己的杂技团。According to newspaper reports, fighting has broken out in the northern provinces.据报纸报道,战斗已在北方省份打响。From now until election day, he'll be blitzing all four western provinces.从现在起一直到选举日,他要迅速地将西部四省全部争取过来。The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous.许多省份之间的文化和历史纽带被认为是很脆弱的。The play will tour the provinces in the fall.这出戏将在秋天到各地巡回演出。The rebellion started in Kilalla and spread quickly through the Western provinces.叛乱从基拉拉开始,迅速蔓延到西部各省。The other provinces can only cast an envious eye at Alberta's oil and gas riches.其他省份只能干忌妒艾伯塔省丰富的油气资源。The eastern provinces are likely to rebel if they are not given more freedom.东部各省如果得不到更多的自由,就有可能造反。




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