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词汇 all things
例句 She gave up a promising career as a stockbroker to become a weaver, of all things.真没想到,她放弃当证券经纪人的大好前途,当了一名织布工。We did lose some money, but we got most of it back. So all in all things might have been a lot worse.我们的确损失了一些钱,但大部分已经挽回。总之,情况本来有可能要糟糕得多。She had a voracious appetite for all things sweet.她对所有甜食都胃口极大。He believed in temperance in all things.他认为凡事都要适度。Be true to yourself in all things.任何时候都要坚持按自己的想法做。There is a medium in all things.凡事都有中庸之道。They leaned over backwards to show respect for all things Welsh.他们竭力对所有威尔士的东西都表示尊敬。Tricia played quite well, all things considered.总体上看来,特里西娅演奏得挺好。In order to get votes, he tries to be all things to all men.为了拉到选票,他就想四面讨好。Don't let up before you get all things finished.所有事情干完之前不要松劲。The coach is making the entire football team take, of all things, ballet classes.这个教练居然叫整个橄榄球队去上芭蕾舞课。I value my freedom above all things.我把自由看得比什么都重要。I think the party was great, all things considered - I mean we didn't have much time to get ready, but it still went well.总的说来,我认为晚会是成功的——我指的是我们没有多少时间准备,但仍然一切顺利。She should stop trying to be all things to all people.她不应该再费力去迎合所有人的不同需求。They are country people with a general distaste for all things urban.他们是乡下人,对城市中的一切事物普遍有些厌恶。Sara wished Franklin to follow family tradition, in this as in all things.萨拉希望富兰克林在这件事上和所有其他事情一样,能遵循家庭传统。Within a feudal family, the master took precedence in all things.在封建家庭中,男主人凡事都有优先权。He is someone who prizes truth and decency above all things.他把诚实和正派看得高于一切。Some people hold water to be the first principle of all things.有些人认为水是万物之本。He tried to do, of all things, that job.他偏偏要想做那份工作。 It was clear that the senator was trying to be all things to all people in her campaign.很显然,那位女参议员在竞选中想取悦所有选民。I realised I had a big problem. I wanted to be all things to all people.我意识到我有个大毛病,我总想不得罪任何人。It was a pretty good vacation, all things considered.从各方面看,这个假期过得很不错。The museum is all things to all people, young and old.这家博物馆适合所有参观者,老少皆宜。She was so well informed about all things that happened in the town.她对镇上发生的大事小情全都了解得一清二楚。The trip has fired his enthusiasm for all things French.这次旅行激发了他对所有法国事物的热情。The wary Major thought that all things were for the best.老谋深算的少校认为一切都在好转。She believed in temperance in all things.她主张凡事应适可而止。Mark has a fascination for all things electrical.马克对凡是和电有关的东西都十分感兴趣。He was back in form, being all things to all men.他心情又愉快如常,对各种各样的人应付裕如。She loves all things chocolate. 她爱吃用巧克力做的任何东西。My father values honesty beyond all things.我父亲把诚实看得比什么都重要。




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