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词汇 all this
例句 With all this computer equipment, you should really get your house alarmed.有这么多计算机设备,你确实应该给房子里装上报警器。It was my friends that kept me going through all this.是我的朋友们让我坚持下去,度过了这一切。What am I going to do with all this food if no one turns up?如果没有人来,我该如何处理所有这些食品呢?I can't cope with all this aggro.这一堆烦心事,我应付不过来。I wish we could get on with the job. I hate all this hanging about.我希望我们能继续把工作干下去,我不喜欢这么干等。He had not fully grasped the fact that he was the one who would pay for all this.他还没有完全明白他要独自承担这一切代价。It is possible that there's an explanation for all this.也许,对于所有这一切,会有一种解释。Harry was curiously silent through all this.从头到尾哈里都一言不发,令人费解。The press couldn't deal with that so they made up all this bull.新闻媒体无法应对此事,因此他们就编造了这通谎言。Don't let all this good food go to waste!别让这好好的食物给糟蹋了!You must have your hands full with all this work to do and the children to look after.你有这么多工作要做,还要照顾孩子,肯定是忙得脱不开身了。I'm trying to clear my mind of all this.我正在努力忘掉这一切。I haven't come all this way to bottle out.我一路走来不是为了在最后关头打退堂鼓。I don't need all this stuff - I'll give it away to the first person who asks for it.这些东西我都不要了一谁第一个问我要就给谁。I don't need all this hassle.我不想要这些麻烦。I don't really know where Hortense comes into all this.我真的不清楚霍滕斯在整个这件事中起什么作用。On top of all this the management has decided to make us come in on Saturdays.除了这一切之外,管理层还决定要我们星期六也来上班。I'm not interested in all this scientific malarkey.我对这些无聊的科学话题不感兴趣。You don't buy into all this nonsense, do you?你不会随大流相信所有这些胡说八道,是吗?I shall be very busy all this week.本星期我将一直很忙。Excuse me, but I want to know what all this has to do with us.恕我冒昧,但是我想知道所有这一切和我们有什么关系。I shall be much easier in my mind when all this has been sorted out.等这些都处理好了,我会更安心。I don't know what moral to draw from all this.我不知道从所有这一切中应得出何种教训。I wish they'd write in plain English, instead of all this business jargon.我希望他们能用简单的英语写,不要用这种商业行话。I must admit it irks me to see this guy get all this free publicity.我必须承认,看到这个家伙不费一分一毛就这样大出风头,我心里就来气。Why was I putting myself through all this misery?.我为什么要如此自找苦吃啊?How do we deal with all this red tape?我们如何应对所有这些繁文缛节?She used to make all these chocolate puddle puddings, you know, with the sauce underneath and all this sort of thing.她过去喜欢做巧克力夹心布丁,你知道吧,就是里面有巧克力酱之类的东西的。Digging further into the medical literature, I found out there was a scientific explanation for all this.进一步翻阅医学文献后我发现,这些都是有科学解释的。She simpered that she had gone to all this trouble for a reason.她假惺惺地说自己费这么大劲儿是有原因的。He was much amused by all this talk.这一席话让他觉得十分好笑。I hope some good will come out of all this.我希望这一切会有好结果。I don't know how we're going to get all this stuff into the car.我不知道我们怎样才能把所有这些东西塞进汽车。I've promised myself a long bath when I get through all this work.干完所有这些工作后我要好好洗个澡。No one would come all this way up country unless they had to.除非迫不得已,否则没有人会愿意跑这么老远来到内地。We'll need some help to interpret all this data.我们将需要些帮助来解读这些数据。I don't understand how all this electronic gadgetry works.我不懂这种电子玩意儿的工作原理。I want you to clear all this mess up.我想让你把这些乱七八糟的东西整理好。There's no way all this stuff will go in the box.这些东西没办法都放在这个盒子里。I was really pleased to see her again after all this time.过了这么久之后又见到她,我真高兴。




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