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词汇 professed
例句 She professed to know nothing about the missing money.她声称对丢失的钱一无所知。Many have professed disgust at the use of weapons.很多人已经表示反对使用武器。She professed to hate her nickname.她声称讨厌自己的外号。They professed complete ignorance of what had happened.他们声称对所发生的事一无所知。He professed to be an expert on Islamic art.他自称是伊斯兰艺术的专家。He professed his loyalty to his country.他宣称对他的国家忠诚。He professed himself a lover of music.他声称自己是个音乐爱好者。He professed to be content with the arrangement.他声称自己对这个安排满意。He professed that he could do nothing about it.他承认自己对此无能为力。She professed a belief in spirits.他声称相信鬼神。His professed love of women seems a little odd when you consider how he treats them.想想他是怎么对待妇女的,他自称爱她们,真有点可笑。She is a professed monarchist.她公开声明拥护君主制度。His professed reason for resigning was to spend time with his family, but we heard rumors that he was caught stealing.他自称辞职的原因是为了陪伴家人,但我们听到了他因行窃被抓的传言。He professed himself satisfied with the results.他对结果表示满意。They professed to be our friends.他们声称是我们的朋友。They professed Christianity.他们宣称信仰基督教。He is a professed enemy of the king.他是国王公开的敌人。He professed repentance and took pains to amend.他公开表示忏悔并努力痛改前非。Her manner professed a gaiety that she did not feel.她的神态显出一种她并未实际感受到的欢乐。He professed a distaste for everything related to money.他声称厌恶与金钱有关的一切。Their professed aim is to encourage democracy.他们假称自己的目标是支持民主。She's a self-professed supporter of prison reform.她自称是监狱改革的支持者。She professed that she could do nothing unaided.她承认自己不能独立无援地做任何事。Bacher professed himself pleased with the Indian tour.巴奇尔表示对印度之行很满意。He professed to know nothing about the matter.他声称对此事一无所知。He professed a strong distaste for everything related to money.他宣称强烈厌恶与金钱有关的一切。She professed to be pleased with the outcome, but we knew the truth.她声称对此结果很满意,但我们知道真相。




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