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词汇 Private
例句 Private tutelage helped her pass calculus.个别辅导使她通过了微积分考试。Private contractors joined in condemning the Government's stance.私人承包商们也一道谴责政府的立场。Private childcare is still too expensive for the average earner.对普通工薪阶层来说,雇家庭保姆照顾孩子还是太贵。Private automobiles are not allowed on campus.大学校园不许私人汽车入内。Private hospitals can afford to pay much higher salaries than state-run hospitals.私立医院支付得起比国营医院高得多的薪水。Private schools regulate the behavior of students.私立学校规范学生行为。Private morality, in crude terms, is not the law's business.简单地说吧,个人道德不属于法律的范畴。Private education is often regarded as socially divisive.私立教育常常被认为会引起社会分化。Private cars are banned from the city on alternate days.该市私家车限隔日出行。Private car ownership has almost doubled in the past 10 years.私人汽车的拥有量在过去十年里几乎翻了一番。Private firms are willing to make large scale investments to help cure Russia's economic troubles.私有企业愿意投巨资帮助俄罗斯渡过经济难关。The sign read "Private - no admittance".牌子上写着“私人住宅,禁止入内”。Private sector housing is just too expensive for low-income families in the city at the moment.目前,私营部门提供的住房对低收入家庭来说太贵了。Private health care should not be only for the wealthy.私人医疗保健制度不应该仅仅为富人而设。Private companies should not rely on financial support from the government.私人公司不应该依赖政府的财政援助。You're dismissed, Private.你可以走了,列兵。Private pension schemes fall into two broad categories.个人养老金计划分两大类。Private health services will be allowed under the directive.该指令允许私人医疗保健服务。Private schools in Britain are often misleadingly called public schools.英国的私立学校称为公学常常令人误解。Overseas Private Investment Corp. is a US government-chartered corporation that provides guarantees and insurance to US companies investing in developing countries.海外私人投资公司是一家由美国政府批准建立的公司,为在发展中国家投资经营的美国公司提供担保和保险。The notice said "Private property - keep off!"布告上写着“私人地产,请勿擅入”。Private sector pay increases were again above the rate of inflation.私营部门的工资增长再次超过通货膨胀率。Private jets are a totem of success among extremely wealthy people.私人喷气式飞机在极其富有的人当中是成功的象征。Private sponsorships only accounted for a third of all arts funding last year.个人赞助只占去年所有艺术基金的三分之一。Meals are taken communally with other guests in the dining-room. Private bathrooms and toilets are unheard of.饭是在餐室和其他宾客一起吃。私人浴室和卫生间是闻所未闻的。Private homes will not be searched without a warrant.无搜查令不得搜查私人住宅。Private polls and embassy reports pointed to an election victory.私人民意调查和使馆报告表明选举可能会胜利。Private citizens are not permitted to have weapons.平民不得持有武器。Private polls and embassy reports pointed to a no vote.私人民意调查和使馆报告表明投票结果将会是否决。Private security firms must still operate within the limits of the law.私人保安公司仍必须在法律规定的范围内经营。Private schools tend to stress the more academic subjects.私立学校往往注重学术性较强的科目。Private jets flew in from Dallas and Denver.私人飞机从达拉斯和丹佛飞抵。Private schools skim off the cream from state schools.私立学校把公立学校的尖子生挖走了。




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