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词汇 demoralized
例句 The ship's crew were now exhausted and utterly demoralized.船员现在筋疲力尽,士气全无。The refugees were cold, hungry, and demoralized.难民又冷又饿,情绪沮丧。After the game, the players were tired and demoralized.比赛结束后,队员们疲惫不堪,垂头丧气。People are demoralized by what they hear on the news.人们听到新闻里的内容后泄了气。The illness demoralized him and recovery took several weeks.这场病使他情绪低落,好几个星期才康复。The team was a wreck - thoroughly demoralized after a humiliating season.该队元气大伤—不光彩的赛季过后完全丧失了士气。They have left the teaching profession, demoralized and undervalued.他们已经离开了教师职业,意志消沉,受人轻视。British armies completed the rout of demoralized Italian forces.英军大败士气低迷的意军。The continuous barrage demoralized the infantry.连续不断的猛烈炮轰摧垮了步兵的士气。Threats of war demoralized the stock market.战争威胁使股市陷入一片混乱。The defeated army returned home as a demoralized rabble.这支失利的军队如乌合之众一般失魂落魄地逃回了老家。They demoralized the other team by scoring three goals in a row.他们一连攻进了三个球,击垮了对方球队的士气。The army was demoralized by defeat.这支军队因败北而士气低落。The troops were completely demoralized.部队斗志全无。She was demoralized by the fast company she kept.她被结交的坏朋友带坏了。He was thoroughly demoralized. So he started tanking.他完全泄气了,所以开始大量喝酒。The recent spurt in violence has demoralized the public.近来暴力事件的激增打击了公众的信心。Many employees became demoralized and cynical when the company announced another round of job cuts.公司宣布新一轮职位削减时,许多雇员丧失了信心,变得愤世嫉俗。Losing several games in a row had completely demoralized the team.连续输掉数场比赛使全队上下彻底泄了气。




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