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词汇 presentation
例句 After the interruption, she proceeded with her presentation.被打断之后,她又继续进行她的陈述。Usually, the presentation is made on the other side of the pond.通常是在大西洋彼岸召开推介会。The magazine asked its readers to send in their comments about the new style of presentation.那本杂志要求读者对其版面的新风格寄去他们的看法。Don't underestimate the importance of good presentation.不要低估良好表达的重要性。You two hash out the details of the presentation.你们俩一起商量一下报告细节。Today, the defence makes its final presentation to the jury.今天,辩护律师向陪审团作结案陈词。While avoiding specifics, he made it pretty clear that the presentation was full of flaws.虽然没有细说,但是他明确指出这个陈述漏洞百出。I was completely snowed by the presentation. 这个演示给我留下很深的印象。If you can just hold your horses there for a moment then I'm happy to answer questions at the end of the presentation.如果你可以稍等一会儿,我很乐意在陈述结束后回答问题。The marketing people will take care of all the arrangements for the presentation.销售人员会把这次产品介绍安排妥的。He will receive the prize at a presentation on Saturday.他将在星期六的典礼上接受奖品。The conference will begin with a keynote presentation by a leading industry figure.本次会议开始时将由企业界的一位领军人物发表主旨讲话。In an interview, good presentation can tip the balance your way.面试时,良好的自我介绍会有助于你取得成功。She was interrupted when she was midway through her presentation.她介绍到一半时被打断了。It's perfectly normal to be a bit nervous. I'm sure you'll get over it once you start your presentation.有点胆怯是很正常的。我相信你开始作报告后就会克服过去的。His presentation failed to enthuse the committee.他的发言没能引起委员会的兴趣。Much of the success of a product comes down to presentation.一个产品的成功大部分可归结为包装。The presentation of the food made it look very appetizing.食物的摆放使它看上去很诱人。The presentation was stunning, but there wasn't very much to eat.摆盘令人惊艳,但没有多少吃的。The scholarship was an annual presentation.奖学金每年颁授一次。I was supposed to be giving a presentation that morning to some colleagues from the Japanese division.那天上午我本该给日本分部的同事作报告的。This presentation is just a warmup for the big session tomorrow.这个展示只是明天大会的前奏。Should I include some visuals in my presentation?我是否应该在报告中添加一些视觉资料?He seemed a little off his game during the sales presentation this morning.他在今天上午的销售演示中似乎有点不在状态。Spend a few extra minutes checking the presentation of your report.要多花几分钟检查一下你的报告的格式。Last night the prosecution team ended their presentation of the case against him.昨天晚上,起诉组结束了对他的举证。The presentation was so bad that it received only a few derisory comments.展示会如此糟糕,只得到一些嘲讽的评论。She did a bang-up job on/with the presentation.她的陈述非常精彩You'll have an/the opportunity to ask questions after the presentation.讲座结束之后你们有提问的机会。She will take your questions after she has made her presentation.做完陈述后她会回答你们的问题。The sales presentation was a real dog and pony show.这次展销活动真是件盛事。His presentation of the facts was muddled.他对事实的描述含糊不清。Club members will be admitted on presentation of their membership cards.俱乐部会员出示会员卡方可进入。Candidates have to give a short presentation on a subject of their choice.候选人必须就自己选择的话题进行简短的阐述。The fee will be refunded upon presentation of the receipt.出示收据就能退回这笔费用。Paul always gets nervous whenever he has to give a presentation.一到要作介绍的时候保罗总觉得紧张。The presentation of prizes and certificates will take place in the main hall.奖品和证书的颁发仪式将在大厅举行。His proud parents watched the presentation.他自豪的父母观看了颁奖仪式。Visitors are shown an audio-visual presentation before touring the cellars.参观酒窖前,游客们先观看了有声的视频介绍。My presentation went remarkably smoothly, until one student asked an awkward question right at the end.我的课讲得非常顺利,直到就要结束时,有个学生提了一个令人尴尬的问题。




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