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She guessed my age correctly.她猜对了我的年龄。The newborn is a girl after all, so you win!新生婴儿果真是个女孩,这么说你猜对了! Her look of surprise told him that he had guessed right.她惊诧的神情表明他猜对了。We guessed right; they'd gone.我们猜对了 — 他们已经走了。He guessed right about some things.有些事情他猜对了。Jerome Bettis correctly called tails but the referee understood him to say heads.杰罗姆·贝蒂斯猜对了,是反面,但裁判却以为他说的是正面。They won the coin toss and chose to receive.他们猜对了掷硬币,选择了接开球。If you guess correctly, you have another turn.如果猜对了,还会有一次机会。I didn't really know the answer. It was just a lucky guess.我真的不知道答案,只是碰运气猜对了。Which hand have I got the chocolate in? If you guess right you can have it.我哪只手里有巧克力?猜对了就归你。She pursed her lips and licked them. He had guessed right – a teaser.她噘起嘴唇舔了舔。他猜对了,这是个风骚女子。The home team won the toss.主队掷硬币猜对了。 |