例句 |
His dissent from his family's religious beliefs caused a lot of ill-feeling.他与家人宗教信仰的分歧招致了许多猜忌。Her husband tried to shift the blame by accusing her of being overly suspicious.她丈夫指责她多疑猜忌,试图以此来推脱责任。I can't imagine my wife making me jealous.我无法想象妻子会让我心生猜忌。I sensed a lot of tension and jealousy beneath the surface.我觉察出表象之下暗藏着重重的矛盾和猜忌。Suspicion and jealousy, however ill-founded, can poison a marriage.再站不住脚的猜忌和嫉妒都能危及婚姻。The dinner broke up in an atmosphere of sullen ill feeling.宴席在相互猜忌的阴郁氛围中不欢而散。 |