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词汇 猜测
例句 Speculation is rife that he will be sacked.人们纷纷猜测他会被解雇。Biologists have hypothesized a relationship between the two species. 生物学家猜测,这两个物种间可能存在某种关系。The newspaper conjectured as to the reasons for the sudden change in policy.报纸就政策突然改变的原因进行了猜测My guess is that the chance that these vaccines will work is zero.猜测这些疫苗根本不可能奏效。Browning's prediction is no better than a wild guess.勃朗宁的预测不过是妄加猜测而已。I don't know why she did it - I'm just speculating.我不知道她为什么那么做——我只是猜测Speculation ran rife on who the candidate would be.关于谁将当候选人,流传着种种猜测They are speculating on the imponderables of the future.他们猜测着未来难以预见的事情。His guess was very close to the mark.他的猜测非常接近。The president's schedule is secret, but there is speculation that he will visit UN troops in the area.总统的行程没有公开,但有人猜测说他将访问那个地区的联合国部队。The question of who planted the bomb remains a matter of guesswork.到底是谁安放了炸弹依然只是猜测He suspected that deep down, she admired him for having the gumption to disagree with her.猜测,她内心深处十分佩服自己有勇气和她唱反调。The group's problems have led to speculation that heads will roll.已经有人猜测,该集团的问题会导致一些人被解雇。He works always by rule and line, never by chance or guess.他工作一贯讲求精密准确,从不凭偶然或猜测I had published my speculations about the future of the universe in the Review of Modern Physics.我已经在《现代物理评论》上发表了自己对宇宙未来的猜测In answer to speculation that she wouldn't finish the race, she boldly declared her intention of winning it.为了回应她会中途退赛的猜测,她大胆地宣布她要赢得这场比赛。That was a conjecture, not a fact.那只是猜测,不是事实。She was unwilling to hazard a guess as to the outcome of the election.对于竞选结果,她不愿意冒失猜测There are several conjectures.存在着几种猜测My dear sir, I am not a prophet, nor am I given to inspired guesses.我亲爱的先生,我不是预言家,也不喜欢灵光一现的猜测Much of what is said about ancient men is, perforce, guesswork.关于古代人的许多说法必然只是猜测These are mere conjectures on our part.这些只不过是我方的猜测I got the answer by guesswork.我通过猜测得出了答案。His absence aroused speculation in the Committee.他的缺席在委员会中引起了猜测Mr. Clinton refused to speculate on how long he might stay on as envoy.克林顿先生拒绝猜测他可能会留任公使多长时间。I was only guessing at her age.我只是在猜测她的年龄。As a scientist, I do not deal in speculation.作为一名科学家,我对猜测不感兴趣。People guessed his age to be in the low forties.人们猜测他的年龄是四十出头。This is just guesswork.这只是猜测There was a lot of speculation in the press that the Prime Minister was about to resign.报纸上有许多猜测,说首相要辞职。The way you solve mono-alphabetic ciphers is never by trying to guess the key.破解单表置换密码的方法绝对不会是尝试猜测密钥。It is mere surmise that Bosch had Brant's poem in mind when doing this painting.认为博斯在画这幅画时脑子里想着布兰特的诗,这仅仅是猜测而已。I found one possible refutation of these speculations.我找到了一个可以反驳这些猜测的证据。It's hard to guess his age because he dyes his hair.很难猜测他的年龄,因为他染了头发。His remarks were designed to kill off speculation of a rift between the cabinet and the prime minister.他的言论是为了打消人们对内阁和首相不和的猜测This is an educated guess.这是一个凭经验所作的猜测No one knew exactly what he had done, but speculation ran rife.没有人确切知道他的所为,但是各种猜测层出不穷。Venables laughed off suggestions that he will be asked to retire.维纳布尔斯对于要求他退休的猜测付之一笑。The tests confirmed the doctors' suspicions of cancer.这些检测结果证实了医生对癌症的猜测I'm guessing again now because I'm not hooked into the political circles.我现在又是在猜测了,因为我没有涉足政界。




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