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词汇 plentiful
例句 Gasoline won't always be cheap and plentiful.汽油不会总是那么便宜和充足。We moved to the city where jobs are more plentiful.我们搬到了一个工作机会更多的城市。Natural gas is a plentiful resource.天然气是储量充足的资源。There is a plentiful supply of guns on the black market.黑市上有大量枪支出售。Food became more plentiful each day.食品一天天变得丰富起来。Gas and coal are seen as cheap and plentiful.天然气和煤被认为既廉价又充足。During the summer tomatoes are plentiful and cheap.夏天,番茄数量多,价格便宜。Oranges are plentiful this summer.今年夏天橙子供应充足。Fish were once plentiful in this river, but they have since declined in numbers. 这条河过去有很多鱼,但是现在鱼的数量少多了。Research grants are plentiful in science and engineering subjects, but much harder to get in the humanities.科学与工程学科得到的研究拨款非常充足,但人文学科要拿到拨款却困难得多。Money was plentiful, and rarely did anyone seem very bothered about levels of expenditure.有足够的钱,似乎很难见到有人为花费而烦心。The river provides a plentiful supply of clean water to nearby villages.这条河为附近的村庄提供了充裕的干净水。Coal is relatively expensive but its redeeming feature is that it is in plentiful supply.煤相对比较贵,但是它的可取之处是供应充足。Hotel rooms were plentiful and cheap.旅馆房间很充足,房价也低。In a buyer's market the commodity is plentiful and so its price is not high.在买方市场的情况下,商品丰富,因此价格不高。There was a plentiful supply of cheap labour.有大量廉价劳动力。When I was a teenager, jobs were plentiful and the economy was strong.在我十几岁的时候,工作机会很多而且经济繁荣。Settlers found a plentiful supply of fruit and game in the nearby forests.殖民者发现附近的森林里有充足的野果和猎物。Meat which was recently derationed is now plentiful.不久前取消定量供应的肉类现在货源充足。Fish are plentiful in the lake.湖里鱼很多。These vegetables are a plentiful source of vitamins.这些蔬菜富含维生素。Space is plentiful enough for several homes.空间很大,足以建好几个住宅。Most household goods sold here are substandard, but food is plentiful and cheap.这里出售的大多数家用商品都是次等的,但食品却货源充足,价格低廉。There is a plentiful supply of arms on the black market.黑市上有大量武器出售。Doctors and nurses are now in plentiful supply. = There is now a plentiful supply of doctors and nurses.现在医生和护士都有大量人手。The cattle battened on the plentiful fodder.牲畜靠丰美的饲料养得膘肥体壮。The Governor has laid in a plentiful supply of champagne.州长贮藏了大量香槟酒。Hardwood trees are plentiful in these parts of Canada.加拿大这些地区阔叶树资源丰富。Many people moved from Asia to work in the British textile industry, where jobs were plentiful.许多人从亚洲移民到英国从事纺织业,那里有大量的就业机会。




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