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词汇 hang over
例句 A constant threat of unemployment hangs over thousands of university researchers.持续存在的失业威胁困扰着数千名大学科研人员。Let the final decision hang over until next month.留到下个月再作最后决定吧。The threat of homelessness hangs over hundreds of families.成百上千的家庭面临着无家可归的威胁。It seems that the suit has to hang over till its next session.看来这个诉讼案得留到下次开庭时处理了。A question mark still hangs over Beckham's match-fitness.贝克汉姆的身体状况能否参赛仍然是个问题。A big question mark hangs over the wisdom of the move.这一举动是否明智尚难以确定。The threat of nuclear war hangs over mankind.核战争威胁着人类。The threat of a further bloodbath hangs over the people of the region.该地区的人们面临再次遭遇大屠杀的威胁。The threat of unemployment hangs over many university researchers.很多大学研究人员面临失业的威胁。Uncertainty again hangs over the project.这个项目又一次变得不确定起来。A question mark hangs over many of their futures.他们的不少期货走向未定。This custom hangs over from the old days.这种风俗是从古代延续而来的。An air of faded melancholy hangs over the village.一种淡淡的悲伤气氛萦绕着村庄。The starvation hangs over their lives.饥饿在威胁着他们的生命。A picture of their parents hangs over the bedroom door.卧室的门上挂着他们父母的一幅照片。A pall of mystery seems to hang over it all.整个事件似乎笼罩上一层神秘的气氛。A big question mark hangs over the company's future.公司的将来如何还是个大问号。He's so fat, his belly hangs over his shorts.他太胖了,大肚子都垂在了短裤腰上。Revanchism still hangs over some parts of that country.复仇主义仍遗留在那个国家的某些地区。A question mark hangs over the future of the company.这家公司前途未卜。The nuclear sword of Damocles hangs over the region by a thread.该地区时刻面临的核威胁犹如悬在一根细线上的达摩克里斯之剑。




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