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词汇 hangs
例句 A lot hangs on the election result.很多事情取决于选举结果。Anna hangs on every word of her history teacher and takes very careful notes.安娜认真地听历史教师讲的每句话并仔细地做笔记。The fabric, cut on the bias, hangs as light as a cobweb off a woman's body.这块斜裁料如蛛网一般轻盈地从一女子身上垂下来。A constant threat of unemployment hangs over thousands of university researchers.持续存在的失业威胁困扰着数千名大学科研人员。The survival of the African elephant hangs in the balance.非洲象能否生存下去难以预料。This painting is only a copy - the original hangs in the Louvre.这幅画只是摹本——原画挂在卢浮宫里。She hangs around with rock stars, drug addicts, and assorted other oddballs.她混迹于摇滚歌星、瘾君子和其他各种怪胎当中。I don't really know who she hangs out with.我真不知道她平时都和一些什么人混在一起。Uncertainty again hangs over the project.这个项目又一次变得不确定起来。He blows a raspberry down the telephone line and hangs up.他对着电话呸了一声,然后挂断了。Look for a suit made from good, sturdy cloth to ensure it hangs well.找一套用结实的好布料做的套装,这样的衣服垂感好。He's not exactly homeless, he just hangs out in this park.他算不上无家可归,只是在这个公园中游荡而已。A door hangs on its hinges.门安装在铰链上。A haze of expensive perfume hangs around her.高档香水的气雾弥漫在她周围。Revanchism still hangs over some parts of that country.复仇主义仍遗留在那个国家的某些地区。A question mark hangs over the future of the company.这家公司前途未卜。The cabinet hangs fire over bank strike.内阁对银行罢工事件的处理举棋不定。The house belonged to the Duke of Wellington, and his picture hangs in the hall.这宅子属于威灵顿公爵,他的画像悬挂在大厅里。That old car still hangs together.那辆旧汽车仍完好无缺。The decision hangs on one vote.这个决定取决于一票。The future of the company hangs in the balance.该公司的前景无法预料。Do you know where he hangs out?你知道他住在什么地方? That child hangs behind everywhere we go.我们不管走到哪里,那个孩子总是跟在后面。The safety of air travel hangs partly on the thoroughness of baggage checking.乘飞机旅行的安全性在一定程度上依赖于对行李细致彻底的检查。The script hangs together nicely.整个剧本浑然一体。Bush's dream of a new world order hangs on the edge of a volcano.布希的新世界秩序梦想挂在火山边缘。A picture of their parents hangs over the bedroom door.卧室的门上挂着他们父母的一幅照片。He hangs on tightly, his arms around my neck.他双手紧紧抱住我的脖子。This custom hangs over from the old days.这种风俗是从古代延续而来的。A big question mark hangs over the wisdom of the move.这一举动是否明智尚难以确定。The smell of death hangs in the air.死亡的气息萦绕在空中。He hangs out in an old house.他住在一栋旧房子里。Her hair hangs down below her shoulders.她秀发垂肩。I want you to shadow him for the next three days and find out who he hangs out with.我要你随后的三天里紧紧跟踪他并查出他和谁混在一起。The threat of unemployment hangs over many university researchers.很多大学研究人员面临失业的威胁。A question mark still hangs over Beckham's match-fitness.贝克汉姆的身体状况能否参赛仍然是个问题。She hangs out with a lot of arty types.她经常和一些附庸风雅的家伙混在一起。The skirt has been shaped so that it hangs loosely.这条裙子设计得很宽松。Everything hangs on the result of the last race.一切都取决于最后一场比赛的结果。Everything hangs on tomorrow's crucial match.一切都取决于明天那场关键的比赛。




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