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词汇 hang on to
例句 He swore he would hang on to the job until they fired him.他发誓在他们解雇他之前决不主动放弃这个工作。Who will you hang on to in the town?到了城里你能依靠谁?The hotel wouldn't let her hang on to her room.旅馆不让她保留她的房间。You should hang on to those old coins; they could be valuable.你应该留着那些旧钱币,它们可能很值钱。I think I'll hang on to the documents for a bit longer.我想我会把这些材料再保存一段时间。You should hang on to that painting. It might be worth something one day.那幅画你应该留着,有一天可能会值钱呢。Don't hang on to him, he has many things to do.别缠着他,他有好多事要办呢。You should hang on to those bonds, they'll appreciate considerably.你切勿卖掉这些债券,它们会很快大幅度上涨的。It's hard to hang on to your dignity when everyone treats you as if you're old and senile.当大家都把你当作老糊涂时,你很难保持自尊。I tried desperately to hang on to my sanity as events became more and more confused.事情越来越复杂,我拼命想保持头脑清醒。The police have only one fingerprint to hang on to.警方只有一个指纹印可作线索。Whatever he's got he's going to hang on to.他不管有些什么,都不会轻易脱手。The British driver was unable to hang on to his lead.英国车手没能保住自己的领先地位。




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