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词汇 hang together
例句 His story of why he was absent from the meeting seems to hang together.他把缺席会议的原因说得似乎合情合理。He urged his supporters to hang together.他敦促自己的支持者要团结一致。Their accounts do not hang together.他们的叙述不相符合。That old car still hangs together.那辆旧汽车仍完好无缺。The argument does not hang together well.这论点前后不尽一致。The argument doesn't hang together well.这项论证前后不连贯。We liberals must hang together.我们这些自由主义者必须团结起来。The speech doesn't really hang together.这个发言不是很连贯。The script hangs together nicely.整个剧本浑然一体。It's better to hang together than separately.合作比单干强。Her story doesn't hang together very well.她所说的不是很站得住脚。If we just hang together a while longer, I know that we can work out our problems.要是我们在一起的时间更长点,我确信我们可以解决好我们的问题。Her ideas don't always hang together very well as a plot.她的想法并不总是能够连贯起来,形成一个完整的计划。My watch still hangs together dropping from the second floor.我的手表从三楼掉到了楼下,却依然完整无缺。The two parts of his statement don't hang together.他陈述的前后不怎么一致。Somehow her story doesn't quite hang together.不知为什么,她的故事听起来不像是真的。Her story just doesn't hang together.她的说法前后根本不一致。These statements do not all hang together.这些陈述并不完全连贯一致。The movie starts out well, but the story doesn't hang together after the first hour.电影的开头部分很精彩,但演了一个小时后故事情节就乱套了。If we all hang together, our plan will succeed.如果我们团结起来,我们的计划就会成功。Cutthroats who gang togetter hang together.结成团伙的杀手被一起绞首。We can come through any crisis if we hang together.我们如果团结一致,便能渡过任何危机。




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