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词汇 play
例句 He did not need sheet music. He could play the piece by ear.他不需要曲谱,他可以凭记忆演奏那首曲子。The play is comprised of three acts.这部剧共有三幕。His fundraising skills will be called into play almost immediately.他的筹款技巧几乎立刻就会有用武之地了。The play translated quite successfully to the big screen.这部剧很成功地被搬上大银幕。In this scene, the two actors play off each other extremely well.这场戏中,两位演员的对手戏配合得非常好。The police had no reason to suspect foul play.警方没有理由怀疑是谋杀。You must play fair.你必须公平行事。I thought the play was, dare I say it, boring.据我的浅见,这部戏枯燥乏味。Let's play tennis for a change.咱们换换花样,来打网球吧。The play is set in Verona, Italy. 这部剧的故事背景设在意大利的维罗纳。We hope this adds to your enjoyment of the play.我们希望这能使您在欣赏剧目时更加尽兴。He's learning to play the bagpipes.他正在学吹风笛。She could threaten to play her trump card, an autobiography of embarrassing disclosures.她可能会威胁要拿出她的杀手锏:出自传来爆料糗事。Don't play all innocent with me!别跟我装天真!Her new play looks interesting.她的新剧看起来会很有趣。The play is a satiric/satirical comedy.这是一部讽刺喜剧。I don't know how they'll react to our proposal, so we'll just have to play it by ear and hope for the best.我不知道他们对我们的建议会做出怎样的反应,所以只好走一步看一步,尽量往好处想。The police will be able to play back the videotape for clues.警方将会重放录像带寻找线索。There is no evidence of foul play.没有证据证明是谋杀。I play the cello.我演奏大提琴。The play has a very complicated plot.这出戏的情节相当复杂。My family and friends came to the opening night of my play.我的家人和朋友出席了那晚我的话剧的首场演出。The villain in the play dies by drinking a vial of poison.戏中那个坏人喝了一小瓶毒药死了。Dick's had a bad injury, and it's probably smart of him not to play sports for a while.迪克受了重伤,一段时间里不参加体育活动对他也许是个明智的做法。Their bad performance murdered the play.他们糟糕的演出把那个剧本给糟蹋了。Do you play an instrument?你会演奏乐器吗?The noise and clatter of engines can play terrible havoc with a driver's nerves.发动机的嘈杂噪声能严重扰乱驾驶员的神经。George zapped through his homework and rushed out to play basketball.乔治匆匆做完作业,然后冲出去踢足球了。When manufacturers refused to play ball, the company stopped buying.当制造商拒绝合作时,公司停止了购买。Paula and Rachael star as mother and daughter in the play, which opens tonight.葆拉和雷切尔在今晚首演的戏剧中饰演一对母女。Children can't play in the street these days - the traffic's too bad.现在孩子们都不能在街上玩了—车来车往太可怕了。The entire cast of the play deserves praise for this performance.这部戏全体演员的表演值得称赞。We rounded up some friends to play poker and drink beer.我们聚集了一些朋友来喝啤酒、打扑克牌。School children have to learn to strike a balance between work and play.学生必须学会在学习和玩乐之间保持适当的平衡。Weeks of ballyhoo preceded the play's first night.此剧首演之前进行了好几星期哗众取宠的广告宣传。Ellie played an angel in the school nativity play.埃莉在学校的圣诞剧中扮演了一个天使。He's not involved in the dispute — he's only here to see fair play.他没有卷入争论,他只是来这里主持公道的。So far, the police do not suspect foul play.目前,警察没有怀疑是谋杀。I' ve had no time to prepare for this meeting, so I' ll have to play it by ear.我没有时间准备这次会议,所以只好有什么谈什麽。The team was out of form and did not play as well as expected.球队状态不好,没有打出预期水平。




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