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词汇 platitudes
例句 He was seen on TV delivering platitudes about the crisis in a monotone voice.人们看到他在电视上念经似地就危机问题老调重弹。She was just mouthing the usual meaningless platitudes about the need for reform.她只是在机械地重复那些毫无意义的关于需要改革的陈词滥调。Christmas usually brings out the absolute worst in sentimental platitudes.圣诞节通常是表达情感的陈词滥调最泛滥的时候。He delivered platitudes about the crisis in a monotone voice.他念经似的就危机问题老调重弹。Mr Gringold droned on, mouthing the usual platitudes about motivation and self-reliance.格林戈尔德先生唠唠叨叨,信口说什么要有积极性、要自立之类的老套话。Against the pitiless reality of the streets, the pious platitudes of politicians and police mean nothing.看一看大街上无情的现实,政客和警方不切实际的陈词滥调没有任何意义。He is always mouthing platitudes.他老是在有口无心地重复一些陈词滥调。Why couldn't he say something original instead of spouting the same old platitudes?他为什么就不能讲些有新意的话,而不是喋喋不休地说些老生常谈呢?I mouthed some sympathetic platitudes.我言不由衷地说了一些表示同情的客套话。The marriage counsellor could only offer us a string of empty platitudes.婚姻指导顾问只能给我们说一连串空洞的套话。His speech was filled with familiar platitudes about the value of hard work and dedication.他的演讲全是关于努力工作和奉献的价值的陈词滥调。The management tried to satisfy staff with some platitudes about the need to make sacrifices for the benefit of the company.管理层说一些老生常谈的话,说什么要为公司利益作出牺牲,以试图安抚人心。




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