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词汇 marred
例句 A number of problems marred the smooth running of this event.一些问题妨碍了这项赛事顺利进行。A large scar marred his face.一条大疤痕让他破了相。Nothing marred their happiness.没有什么能破坏他们的幸福。That election was marred by massive cheating.大范围的舞弊破坏了那次选举。The demonstration was marred by violence.示威活动被暴力事件扰乱了。He had handsome Arabic features, marred by a long scar across his face.他有着阿拉伯人的英俊相貌,可是脸上那道长长的疤痕使他破了相。Their wedding was marred by the death of Jenny's mother a week earlier.一周之前珍妮母亲的死使婚礼蒙上了一层阴影。The Chancellor's upbeat message that the Government had licked inflation for good was marred by more job losses.总理乐观地声称政府已经一劳永逸地解决了通货膨胀问题,但更多人的失业却令这一消息大为减色。Bad diction marred the effectiveness of his speech.措词不当影响了他演说的效果。The scenic beauty of this region was marred by commercial signs.商业广告牌使该地区优美的风景大为减色。Outbreaks of fighting and lawlessness marred the New Year celebrations.斗殴和一些不法行为的发生破坏了新年的节庆气氛。The report is marred by numerous errors.太多错误将这份报告给毁了。The author marred the story by a diversion into irrelevant material.作者由于偏离主题插入无关材料把那个故事写糟了。A frown marred his handsome features.紧皱的眉头让他英俊的面容发生了扭曲。The race was marred by a horrific accident involving Niki Lauda.这场比赛美中不足的是尼基·劳达遭遇了可怕的事故。Sadly, the text is marred by careless errors.很遗憾,这篇文章因一些粗心大意的错误而大为减色。Her past is marred by romantic disappointments.她的过去因缺乏浪漫而黯然失色。A series of ugly incidents marred last Monday's protest.一系列的恶性事件破坏了上周一的抗议活动。The report was marred by a mass of superfluous detail.这篇报告坏就坏在里面细枝末节的东西太多。




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